Chapter 22:Paint War and A Rope

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~Niall's P.O.V~

Summer and I finally got up at about 3 this afternoon.I have to say it was the best sleep I've ever had.

"Hey babe,it's about 3 in the afternoon! We should probablly get up.",I whispered softly into her ear and gently shaking her.She looks so cute when she sleeps!

"Oh,okay!",she said sitting up.

"Good morning,beautiful or shall I say Good Afternoon!",I said causing her to laugh.God I love her laugh!

"Wake me up,boo! I still feel tired even though I'm not!",She said putting her head on my shoulder.

"How about we go on a date,Honeybun! Does that sound alright?",I asked stroking her whilst stroking her hair.

"Sounds good to me!",She said then pecked me on the lips and got up.

"What do I need to wear,babe?",She asked.

"Ummmm....Just wear clothes!",I said.

"Well,that's a no brainer!"

I laughed then said,"Just wear something like what you wear everyday.Nice,but not too nice ya know? Just wear an outfit that you would wear any other day.Like,we might get messy,so umm yeah not anything that you don't want ruined!"

"Okay...that should be easy enough!",she said with a laugh,then ran upstairs.

~Summer's P.O.V~

I ran upstairs to my room wodering where on Earth we were going.I shut my door thenn went to my closet and tried to decide on what to wear.

"Oh my cheese!",I screamed.

"What is it babe?",Niall yelled from his room.

"I don't have a clue what to wear!!",I yelled back.

"Just pick something! You look beautiul in anything!",he yelled.

"Why thankya Doll! But I'm still not sure!",I said whilst flopping down on my bed.

I had my eyes closed so I didn't notice when Niall came in my room.All of a sudden I felt my bed start moving then I was bouncing up and down.As soon as I opened my eyes,Niall jumped on top of me.


"Good!",Niall said pecking me on the lips "Now,get up and get dressed!",Niall said.

"I don't know what to wear!",I said.

"How about this.I will lay an outfit out on your bed for you to wear and you take a shower while I'm doing it.",Niall said.

"That is a PhenomiNiall idea!",I said getting up and kissing his cheek.

"why thankyou honeybun!",he said then I went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stripped down then turned on the hot water and waited for it to heat up.I stuck my hand in and felt to see if it was hot and it was.I got in then washed my long curly red hair.After that I finished washing and shaving my legs.Then got out.

I wrapped my towle around me then walked to my bed to see what Niall had laid out for me.

Appearently his idea of "nice but not too nice" is basketball shorts,an old softball t-shirt of mine,and a lime green bikini.I decided to put the clothes on and let him see for himself.

"Niall James Horan! Come here! Im dressed so it's okay!",I said not really thinking about how there might be other people in the house.

"Coming dearest!",he yelled.

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