Chapter 13:Meant to be?

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~Niall's P.O.V~

We got in the car and Summer drove us to the carnival.About 20 minutes later we pulled up in the parking lot.

"Ya know,a lot of your fans are going to be here!",Summer said.

"I did not think about that.",I said.

"I have an idea!",she said reaching her hand into her purse and pulling out one of those little plastic balls that  you get out of a toy machine.She opened it up and I noticed it was a fake stick on mustache.

"Come here!",she said motioning for me to lean in.She stuck the mustache on me then asked,"Do you have a hat with you?".

"Always!",I said reaching into the backseat and putting on my hat.

"I was going to save that mustache just for fun,but Ifigure this is more important.",she said while laughing probablly at how ridiculous I looked.

"Here take my hoodie!",she said throwing me her grey and black hoodie.

"What about you?Everybody's going to know that you are Zayn's little sister.",I said.

"OH I didn't exactly think about that.",she said.I laughed and pulled another hat out of the backseat.

"Here,put this on!",I said handing her the hat.

"Thankyou so much",she said while putting on the hat.We got out of the car and I looked at her and said,"I mustache you a question,but I'm shaving it for later."

She laughed then grabbed my hand and we ran to the ticket booth.

"Two tickets please!",she said.

"Coming right up!",the ticket person said while giving us funny looks because of our disguises.

We just laughed and walked away.

"Let's play games!",she said pulling me towards a game of ring toss.

"NiallyBoo,will you win that giant stuffed giraffe for me?Pretty please with sprinkles on top.",she asked.

"I can try,SummieBoo,but I can't make any promises.",we laughed and the game person gave me 3 rings to toss.

"You have to get atleast one ring on the pole.",the man said.

"Here I go",I said and tossed one ring.I missed.

I tossed another one and missed again.

"You can do this,NiallyBoo!",Summer said.

I tossed the last ring and it went on the pole.

"Yess! Thankyou so much Niall!",she said giving me a kiss on the cheek as we walked away with her giant stuffed giraffe.

~Summer's P.O.V~

A couple hours had passed and we were getting ready to go home.

"Just one more ride?Please NiallyBoo.",I asked Niall.

"Okay,which one?",Niall asked.

"The only on we haven't been on,The ferris wheel!",I said.

"Okay come on!",he said.

"EEEEPPP Thankyou thankyou thankyou!",I said grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me as we ran to the ferris wheel.

We got on and the ride began.We got to the top and just my luck,the ferris wheel stopped.It had broken down.

"Niall! I am scared of heights.",I said worried.

"It'll be okay,just don't look down!",he ssaid.

"It is kind of hard not to look down,because the view is so beautiful!",I said.

"Just like you.",he said.I blushed making my face turn as red as my hair.

We leaned and he crashed his lips onto mine.I felt the fireworks,not like the first time he kissed me,but bigger,like we were meant to be.I felt like me and him were meant to be,not me and Harry,but me and Niall.

Our kiss lasted for a moment,but then the ferris wheel cut back on and ruined the moment.

"Niall?",I asked leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Yes?",he said.

"I'll tell you where this puts us in two days okay?I promise!",I said holding up my pinky.We locked pinkies and he smiled while stroking my hair.

The ride finally ended and we left for home loading al of our stuffed animals and other prizes into the car.

"I had a really good time tonight,NiallyBoo!",I said.

"I did too,SummieBoo!",He replied giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Tonight was such an amazing night!

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