Chapter 28:Goodbyes

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~Summer's P.O.V.~

The night passed by so quickly! Ya know what they say! Time flys when you're having fun! It just doesn't seem fair that the girls and I have to stay here for ten months while the boys are away! I mean c'mon TEN MONTHS! That's like a lifetime!

"Y'all ready to go?",I asked.

"Yeah.",Niall said flatly.

"Niall cheer up mate! It's not that long!",Liam said trying to cheer him up.

"Ten months is like a century though!",Zayn said.

"Let's just go we're gonna miss our flight!",Harry said.

"Harry is right you guys c'mon or we'll be late!",I said.

We all walked outside and piled into the van. Liam was driving and Harry was in  the passenger seat.Shaley and Louis were in the middle. Niall,Alle,and I were in the back. Zayn and Emily decided to take a different car so there would be room.

We just sat there in silence the whole way there,which really bothered me because I can't stand silence unless I'm trying to think!

We pulle dup at the airport and got out.The boys got out their bags and headed towards the entrance with we girls following behind.

Liam went up to the lady at the front kiosk or whatever you call it and talked to her then came back and said,"The lady said we have to wait for another our because our flight has been delayed."

I jumped out of my seat and started doing a happy dance.I almost started doing some cartwheeld,but Niall pulled me down onto his lap.

"Sorry! I'm just so happy!  I get to spend an extra hour with y'all!",I squealed.

"Me too!",Niall said.

"What shall we do?"Alle asked.

"I think we should dance...just dance!",Shaley said.

Emily and I looked at each other,obviously thinking the same thing.

"DANCE DARE!!!",we said in unison.

"Dance what?",Harry asked.

"Dance Dare!",I said.

"It's a thing where you dance behind people while they aren't looking,but when they turn around you act all normal like nothing is going on.One person videos it then you put it on youtube and send it to Ellen,because it was something she dared her fans to do! It's hilarious,but we don't have to video it.",Emily said.

You could tell she wasn't feeling well,but she wanted to do it.

"Let's video it! We can all take turns dancing and videoing!",Liam suggested.

"We can use my iphone.",I said pulling it out of my pocket.

"Kay! So who wants to video first?",Louis asked.

"I will!",Liam said.

"Okay,and whoever gets caught first has to do it next!",I said.

"Let's begin shall we!?",Zayn said.

"I wish we had some background music.",I said.

"Well,I mean they are One Direction,so I honestly don't think they would care if we jammed some One direction up in here! I have my ihome!",Alle said.

"You carry your ihome with you?",Harry asked.

"You never know whenyou might need it!",she said.

"Well let's do this cheese!",I said.

Alle plugged her phone into her ihome and turned on LWWY by the boys.

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