Chapter 9:Finding Out From A Food Fight

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~Summer's P.O.V~

We arrived at the flat and piled out of the car.I just couldn't believe that Emily was in London."How did you forget to mention to me that you were in London!?!?",I asked Emily as we entered the flat."Well...I don't exactly know!",she answered."Oh well.",I shrugged. as I showed her to my room."This is my room!You can stay in here with me tonight or you can have the guest room",I said motioning to the other side of the hall."Umm..I think I'll just stay in here  with you",she said."Fine by me!",I said smiling as we walked out of the room.

"Hey Louis!Get yo British butt up here!",I yelled."Coming dear British best friend of mine that thinks she is American,but is really  full blood British and is a ginger!",Louis yelled back at me.I forget that I AM full blood british sometimes.It's just growing up in a country where no one talks like that for 17 years ya kinda getused to it! "I'm here!What do you need my little SummieBoo",Louis said while giving me  pat on the head."How did you know that was my nickname?",I asked."Oh I was snooping through your phone because I was bored and seen that name on there! Now tell me what you need.",he said.This whole time Emily was just laughing her little butt off."You snooped through my phone?Wait ya kknow what,I don't really care!I just needed your help showing Emily around the house and by the way you can call her Smitty G or Smitherson!Those are her nicknames",I said and for some reason not having a care in the world that Louis snooped through my phone."Oh well then why didn't ya say so my little SumieBoo?",Louis asked."Because I was angry because ya snooped through  my phone! Duh,but I'm not mad anymore",I said with a smile on my face."Oh yay my bestfriend isn't mad at me anymore!",Louis said looking happier than ever.During all of this Smitherson was still laughing her butt off although I had no idea what was so funny."What is so funny?",I asked her."Ya'll are just so funny arguing about random stuff!",she said."Well anywho let us go tour the house!",I said locking arms with them as we skipped down the hall.

About an hour later we were done touring the house.We all smelled food and ran down stairs almost tripping each other.We got to the kitchen to find mischevious looks on Liam,and Zayn's faces,then Louis had a mischevious face too Iwas kinda worried."Ready,set,fire!",Louis yelled as Liam and Zayn hulred food at Emily and I then Harry came into the kitchen to see what all the commotion was.Then he waas nearly hit by a flying pie."NOOOO!What are you doing to my precious food!",Niall screamed while picking it up off the floor trying to salvage it,but then he got hit with food and said,"It's on!"."Ahhhh!",me and Emily screamed as we dodged a pie."Help me,Harry!,I screamed.As soon as the words were out of my mouth he picked me up and slung me over his shhoulder."Bahahahah Thankyou SO much Hazza!",I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

~Harry's P.O.V~

"Ahhhh,Help me,Harry!",Summer screamed while laughing her butt off.She looked so cute when she laughed.At that moment I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder.I was crrying her up the stairs to go hide."Bhahahaaha,Thank you SO much Hazza!",she said giving me a kiss on the cheek.I blushed."No Problem!",I said.My face was probablly as red as her beautiful hair. I heard the other boys running behind me,then felt something that felt like spaghetti hit the back of myhead and slide down my shirt.I rounded the corner with Summer still slung over my shoulder,and ran into my room then dived into my closet and locked the door.I sat Summer down,and she stumbled and almost fell down,but I caught her."Thankyou,SO MUCH!",she said."It was no bi-",she cut me off."Oh my cheese its where is Emily?",she asked."Umm she is probablly about to attack us along withthe rest of the guys."I hope she isn't getting attacked!",she said."Me too!",I said.

It was dark in the closet so we couldn't see anything.Summer stumbled again.Right as I was about to tell her how I felt about her,she stumbled again,but this time she wound up stumbling on top of me making her lips crash onto mine.It lasted a moment before she pulled away.To be completely honest,I felt fireworks.I'm sure she was just as much shocked as I was.

~Summer's P.O.V~

I sat there quiet for a minute trying to piece toether what just happened.I felt the same fireworks that I felt when I kissed Niall.It was like this for a few minutes until Harry spoke up and said,"Ya know it's funny because right before we kissed I was abot to tell you that I liked you!",he said."Really?",I asked."Really he said.I was just about to say something when Harry's room door busted open."Come out,come out wherever you are!",I heard a voice that i recognized to be Emily's."Oh great!What are we gonna do now?",I asked Harry.I think he smiled at me,but I wasn't really sure because it was so dark.Then he leaned back and  a ittle trap door opened that lead into another room.WE crawled through to see that we were in the bowling ally."Hurry! To the elevator!",Harry said.We got into the elevator and pressed the bottom floor button.We were going to the kitchen and were 1 level above the kitchen when the elevator stopped.I realized that we were stuck and almost cried.Getting stuck in an elevator had always been one of my biggest fears.I guessed Harry realized too because he immediately got his phone and called Lou.

"Hello?",Lou answered.

"Boo Bear!We are stuck in the elevator!Come quick!",Harry yelled into the phone.

"Relax Hazza Bear,We just turned off the elevator because we knew that yall would go through the trap door in your closet!",Lou answered.

Harry had Lou on speaker.

"Lou turn the elevator on NOW,or I WILL cut you!",I said.

"Gosh,Zayn your sister is a mean lil devil!",Lou said then almost immediately the elevator turned on and we were in thekitchen.

"Thank Heavens!",I said while kissing the floor.Harry just laughed.

"Harry Styles!Don't you dare laugh at me!Getting stuck in an elevator has always been one of my biggest fears and it just came true!",I said giving him the evil eye,but we both just laughed.

I rn to the fridge and grabbed a carton full of eggs and motioned for Harry to come get as many as he could.We sneaked into Lou's room where we found all of them satnding there incluing Emily.I looked at Harry and gave him the "you ready?" look.He nodded."FIRE!",I said throwing an egg at the back of Louis's head.Then he turned around and stuck his bottom lip out and pretended to cry."I thought we were best friends Summer!",he said pretending to cry some more."I'm sorry Lou!",I said.Then he looked up and said,"Apology accepted!",then hurled a pie at my face."LOUIS!",I said,wiping the pie out of my eyes.Emily then started laughin at me and i took the rrest of my eggs and hurled them at Louis and her,while Harry got Zayn,Liam,and Niall.

"WE GIVE!",Louis and Emily shouted in unison.Me and Harry fist bumoed with a little explosion at the end.

"Haha Losers!",I said."Forget you!",Emily said while laughing.Louis stuck his bottom lip out and acted like he was crying.I went up to him and jumped on his back and said,"I love you Louis!Please forgive me!",I said.His smile brightened and we laughed."Now gitty up horsey gitty up!",I said pretending Louis was a horse.We all went to our rooms and got cleaned up then ayn called themaid to come clean it up.I felt bad for her because it was a GIMUNGO mess.Today was a really good day though.I still ave to talk to Harry about that kiss though,because I don't want him to think that I'm ignoring him.We watched a movi then went to bed."Goodnight Guys!",Emily and I said as we went up to our room!"Goodnight Bestfriend!",Louis said."Love you guys!",I said."Love you too Bestfriend!",Louis was quick to respond again,followed by i love yous from  all the other boys!"I love you big brother!",I said to Zayn."I love you too!",said."Ifly!",I said"Ifly!",hey said in unison.

Over all today was a good day!


So guys what do you think?

Should she oick Harry or Niall?

Vote,Comment,Fan xoxox

                -SummieBoo <3

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