Chapter 27:Mr.Fisher's Carrot Factory

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~Summer's P.O.V.~

I got out of the shower and got dressed.I decided I was just going to have a lazy day today so I put on my clothes then dried my hair with my towel then threw it into a messy bun.

I walked out of the bathroom and plopped down on my bed beside Niall.He was messing around with my twitter,scrolling through tweets from fans.He would follow them or tweet them sayingit was him.He kept scrolling through all these sweet tweets from his fans,until he got down to a bad patch of rude,hurtful,mean tweets.

@NiallsBabygurl: You are a dirty pig that doesn't deserve to be with Niall! He would be much much happier with me!

@NiallEffMe: Niall is mine you filthy scum bag! I suggest you keep your slutty hands off my man or you will regret it you whore!

Welp...I have to admit that second one really hurt a bit.I felt tears fall down my cheeks.Oh fudge! I'm crying! I can't cry in front of Niall,he will feel bad.What if those things are true.What if he would be happier with someone else? Am I a filthy scum bag? No...he loves me right? And I'm not a filthy scum bag!

My thoughts were interrupted by Niall.

"It's okay babe! Don't cry! They are just jealous because they know that they will never be as beautiful as you,and they will never have a chance with me.",he said wrapping his arms around me.

He really had a way of making me feel better.

"I tweeted them back.",Niall said.

"Really? What did you say?",I asked looking up.

"Take a look.",He said then handed me the laptop.

I looked at the tweets which said:

@NiallsBabygurl: This is Niall...I don't know what your problem is,but what I do know is that you are a directionater and I will never be as happy with anyone as I am with SummieBoo! So get over yourself!

@NiallEffMe: This is Niall...One,change your name because I will never eff you.Two,Summer is none of those things you said so I suggest you back off or you will regret it! I love her so you need to get over yourself too!

(A/N: I know you can't tweet that long,but whatevs...and btw idk if these are real twitter accounts,but if they are ya know...they didn't say any of this stuff,but you can follow my real account @GingerHeaddd)

I have to admit,these honestly made me feel a lot better.

"This...this is why I love you!",I said crashing my lips into his.The sparks flew everywhere as always.I'm so lucky I thought to myself as the kiss ended,then another thought popped into my head.

"Hey babe?",I said.

"Yes?",he asked.

"Why are the plane tickets for 10 months from now? Why not now?",I asked.

"Well...we found out that we have to go on tour tomorrow.",Niall said.

"F-F-For 10 months?",I asked.

"Yes...I'm really sorry.We were going to take you and the rest of the girls with us,but management said you would attract too much attention.They said it was fine before,but while you were in the shower they called and said that with the fans finding out about us that it would be too risky and you would draw too much attention.",he said.

I started crying.I was like a human waterfall.At the sight of my tears,he started to cry too.

He wrapped me up in his arms and wiped my tears away.

"Shh babe it's gonna be okay! It's only 9 months.It will fly by,and you won't even know I'm gone.",he said stroking my hair.

"I know,but it seems so is so long! It is almost a whole year! You won't be back till like August!

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