Scene 3 "Monsters are born"

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{Belfast, Ireland Prison}

A television hung on a wall in a room full of prisoners showing the report from Washington D.C. When Andy is shown a tray flies at the screen and hits the t.v. cracking it. Three men sit at a table, one was big, muscular and baldish his name was Jason Corvin, he had a tattoo of a beetle on his wrist. The second male had long black hair that covered his eyes, he was shorter than Jason, his name was Ryan Douglas. The third male had short blonde hair and a wicked smile on his face his name was Brian Rebel. Jason turns his head to Brian.

Jason Corvin- "Why the hell are you always smiling? It's creepy."

Brian looks up at Jason.

Brian Rebel- "Well, when you're the forgotten child of the legendary Psycho Sand, then you'd smile as much as I do."

Ryan Douglas- (Calm) "Yeah, well it gets annoying at times."

Jason hits his fist against the table shaking it, some people in the room looked at him then went back to eating.

Jason Corvin- "Enough, now listen. (Whispering) I have a plan on how we get out of here tonight. I've been thinking of it for six months."

Ryan gets up with his tray and begins walking away.

Ryan Douglas- (Chuckles) "Good luck with that."

Brian Rebel- "Why do you have doubt about his idea? If you fail, try again."

Ryan walks back and sits down at the table with a smirk on his face.

Ryan Douglas- "Why do I doubt him, Um... let's see. We're in the most heavily guarded prison in Ireland, he's had ideas for the last five years. The guards will be alerted once you think about it and..."

Brian cuts him off when he sees Nathan on the t.v. screen.

Brian Rebel- "Hey? That's the guy who killed my mother all of those years ago. God, I just want to smother myself with his blood and make him pay for what he did."

Ryan Douglas- (Calm) "Oh, look. Another reason to get out."

Jason looks at the screen as Megan's face popped up. Jason stands up angrily throwing his tray. The guards and inmates all look at him.

Brian Rebel- "What's wrong? (Blushes) You know her?"

Jason listens to the reporter.

Reporter- "Megan, What's it like for the only girl of the group, to be known as the witch of the group?"

Megan Topps- "Great and well I feel pretty safe after waking up knowing I'm not dead and am able to continue saving the world again."

Jason Corvin- (Looks at random inmate) "You, give me my tray."

The inmate scarcely walks the tray over to Jason then runs in fear. Jason snaps his tray over his knee then drops it on the floor, he turns to look at Brian and Ryan as the guards aim their guns at him.

Jason Corvin- "Yeah I know her. She's my ex and my reason I got sent to this hell hole of a place. (Looks at Guards) This place won't hold me forever."

The guards chuckle then talk to each other.

Guard 1- (To Guard 2) "You up for some blackjack tonight?"

Guard 2- (To Guard 1) "Meh, I got nothing better to do."

Back by Jason, Brian, and Ryan.

Brian Rebel- (looking frightened at Jason) "What did she do that got you sent here? She's just a little girl."

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