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-Shay's pov-

Denice, Ray and myself all went our separate ways I walked through the halls on the main floor waving at my fellow classmates and teachers. As I headed for the infirmary Denice headed to mums office up on the 5th floor and Ray was headed to first class. It a matter of minutes so I made it to the infirmary as quickly as I could. I pushed open the heavy wooden doors and I walked passed the beds and equipment to a bed in the back. It was surrounded by machines of all types and other medical equipment. I was staring at all the equipment most of it new stuff that was not here the last time I was in here. Suddenly I heard my favourite nurse walking behind me it was nurse Nikki.

"Good morning nurse Nikki," I said with a smirk on my face as she came up behind me I turned to face her and she laughed. "Good morning Shaylyn, I suppose your wondering why your here and what all this equipment is. Well long story short your mother wants to have you tested to make sure your 100% cured," she explained. My smiles dropped over looking all the equipment once again. "Well how long will it take?" I asked not really wanting to do it. Nurse Nikki gave me a sad smile and hugged me around my shoulders giving me a good shoulder rub to ease my nerves. "It's going to take at least a month maybe two depending on how quick we can do each test, we are going to start off doing a couple a day because we don't want to keep you from class it's important you still go to school kiddo," she states making me agree while I give her a small smile. "I understand. Let's get started then which test is first?" Nurse Nikki smiled and lead me over to the bed with all the machines. "Okay I will give you a few minutes to strip down and put on this gown on and then I will come back and we can start as soon as we can." She walked away closing the curtain so I have my personal space and took my uniform off and put the hospital gown on which was a little big. It draped off my shoulders since I am on the smaller side. Anyways I laid down on the bed and nurse Nikki walked over making sure I was done. "Alright, first thing is I am going to test your blood and then run some tests to check your hearing, sight and speed and maybe a few other things as well while I have you sitting here." She explained than proceeded to put a blue elastic band around my arm and then pulled out a thick needle. I watched as it penetrated my thick cold skin drawing dark thick blood so dark it seemed black as it was mixed with my vampire venom it was cool to watch as she collected a few vials full and then she took the elastic off my skin healing quickly from the needle. Next, she hooked me up to some other machine and handed me a big bag of bright red blood labeled 'deer' I held it in my hands and my throat started burning. I ripped the bag so that I could drink and I drank until the bag was empty making the machine beep and hummed while nurse Nikki was very closely watching it marking it down on her chart. "Shay this machine tells me how your body is reacting to the animal blood how it reacts and which parts it effects. The
Headmistress wants us to test you on plant eating animals blood today and then next session we will do meat eater animal blood and see if there is a different reaction and if it's a good reaction or a bad one.," I nodded trying to take it all the medical procedures she was explaining. "What does that have to do with me being cured or not I mean I can hold the blood down can't I?" I asked her. "Your mother believes that you may still be affected just not as bad so we are looking deeper into your body and it's many systems to see if there is any bad reactions that could slowly affect you over time," she replies. I nodded letting her know I understood than she ran her hand through her hair and looked over at me scooting closer to the bed. "Miss Shay, your mother well um she wants to possibly try a different kind of blood." Her eye brows raised a bit and she bit her lip and I quickly caught on to what she was saying I gulped and she continued to speak. "However headmistress Hastings, well she is worried about what could go wrong if we introduce that to you so she may decide other wise. But for today we are doing the plant eating animal blood."

The machine was still beeping and then it stopped while Nikki moved back to the machine and pressed a few buttons wrote down stuff on her paper before clicking the machine off and unhooking me from it.

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