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-Denice's Pov-

It was two weeks later now and I couldn't be more busier than ever. Piles of work, helping out Reid as best as I can but I couldn't be any happier with being around my friends every day. Since Reid started he's been hanging out with us ever since, we've all welcomed him into our group and everything felt just right. We were both sitting in Mr. Kahn's class which we were assigned as partners, Reid and I and since we all know I'm his mentor as mother makes it seem we're practically two peas in a pod people probably think we're a couple or something because we're always together but he made it clear that he's respecting my relationship and I couldn't do that to Carter even when he's not here. I should probably contact him today and check on him since I missed his face time calls last week. I was just to busy with helping Reid I forgot to get back to him. "Alright, can someone give me three special gifts and explain what they are to me?" Asks Mr. Kahn who was sitting on the edge of his desk looking upon us. I nudge Reid to answer his question when he raises his hand. "Explain Mr. Bennett." Reid takes a glance at me quickly making me smile and says, "Okay, well I'm not going to give you three easy ones so I want to challenge that. First would be aligist which is someone who understands all languages I think there is probably two vampires in the entire world who has that, secondly would be precognition which is the ability to see the future. My friend back home has that gift, and lastly I'll chose too see spirits. That is when someone is able to talk to the dead." Earning a successful nod from the teacher. He started to lecture about a different topic and for some odd reason I was so intrigued on Reid presence I couldn't stop glancing at him, or taking a long look when he wouldn't realize I was staring. The way he talked about things and how he used his words in sentences. "Denice?" His voice brings me out of my thoughts. We were walking out of the school when he pulled me aside so we wouldn't be in the way when people walked by. "Sorry what?" He started to laugh shaking his head. "Are you feeling okay, you've been really quiet since our first class?" He questions taking a long look at me. I couldn't contain my thoughts and I'm glad he didn't have mind reading so I shook it off and smiled telling him I was okay.

Later on towards the evening, me and him decided to go for a quick hunt to end our day. I was running in front of him as he ran behind me as I jumped over trees that were broken down, and jumping into the air to jump from tree to tree with my feet. He laugh at my little techniques when he climbed up a tree to stand right at the top of it, I followed suit and made my way to the top to stand on a thick branch and looked over the huge forest and seen the river splitting down the middle. He suddenly hopped across so we were both on the same tree when he looked over at me. He was standing on a taller branch than I was so I look up at him and see his dark eyes closer as I focus with my eyes sight while they linger with his and felt my heart speed up. I wonder if he felt the tension around us so I decided to break it no matter how much I didn't. "Can you show me something different?" I smiled looking down towards the ground which was so far down when I heard him chuckle. He reached for my hand making me jump at the sudden contact his hand was ice cold against mine, and yet they didn't fit it still felt different. He than told me to jump which I did as we land on the ground and told me to stand still. Out of no where I hear a waterfall close by, I hear different kind birds cooing and chirping, and than I hear monkeys making they're sounds. I look up and notice the leafs changed into big green jungle leafs, the sun shining through them and all the beautiful flowers around us including plants, it felt so realist. Monkeys were in the trees, and birds flying by in different directions, it was more beautiful than an ocean view in my eyes. "You love nature don't you?" He asks me. I look to my side at him and see him squat down to pick out a small flower and stood onto his feet and slowly place the piece of flower behind my ear smiling from ear to ear I laugh along. "I really do, thanks for this." I replied when the scenery disappeared back to its original form. That night I went to bed smiling and thought to myself this was the happiest moment I've ever felt in months.

-Carters Pov-

"Come on Carter, this is a god damn test you need to be able to walk around in public and not kill everything with a beating heart. I'm glad I'm still alive just being here with you," Wren encourages me as we were both sitting in his truck outside the mall in a small city miles away from home. It's been a few weeks since Denice has left and I've been working extra hard to maintain this struggle and get over it with the help of Wren. Now that he was human it was hard at first to try and not kill him his flesh was all I ever smelt going to bed and I can literally hear it from across the house. He decided to stay with me to help me since Denice wasn't around and for my father he was still distant but came around to check in on us twice a week. "What if I have a black out mode again and kill a person?" I replied rubbing the sweat off my hands and onto my jeans. He reached over to open the passenger door and pushed me out telling me to go into the mall to grab him a black shirt from one of the stores. I make my way towards the mall hearing different conversations, smells all at once. It was hard to concentrate so once I made my way into the mall I kept my head down and adjusted my ball cap to avoid stares. I felt my throat tighten and the veins under my eyes come out, and nails clawing out ready to attack. I curled my fingers into my palms and drew blood to stop myself from unleashing this beautiful beast and heard voices coming from one of the stores I followed them and came across a men's store. "Hi there, can I help you with anything?" A soft voice asked me. I rush to put on my shades and look over my shoulder at the girl with blond hair up to her shoulders. Her eyes were deep ocean blue with fair skin I wondered how she tasted. Her heart was pounding and when I look at her neck I can see her pulse and smell her undying scent. I shook my head no and walked away to the black shirts and quickly pulled one off the rack and went to pay for it as quick as I can to avoid any more problems. I felt myself getting sweaty and I was fighting the urge to attack every human soul in this store and leave nothing but bones behind but I felt myself ease off. The pain in my throat vanished, the thirst went away and I felt okay. I was than hopping into the truck throwing the shirt into Wrens lap and told him to go. He asked about what happened and I told him how I felt and everything, he realized I succeeded his last task. "You know what that means now right? You bought me the wrong size." He laughs. I shake my head while he gave me an encouraging rant about succeeding on this task. It felt good to hear those words. He smiles while driving and hearing him saying that made me feel free and excited I needed to tell Denice. I was able to go out in public without harming others, yes I had thoughts and a dark imagination but I wouldn't pull through. They just had to stay in my head and I'll be fine.

I dialled Denice's cell number more than ten times that very night and it went straight to voicemail. I left her messages but they weren't delivered. I tried her sisters cell and our friends, but nobody contacted back. We both promised each other every day to stay in contact when I dropped her off at the airport and right now I felt empty without knowing what was going on, I felt lonely and I felt useless. Wren said phones are probably prohibited over there and they aren't suppose to use them which probably is the case but Denice promised me and I was getting worried. It's been weeks without hearing from her and every accomplishment I've been succeeding she was the first person I wanted to tell and she wasn't there. I had no clue what to do at this point and one time I did contact her dad but he said he didn't hear nothing from them for a few days. I was than planning to pack up and head back to Wolf Springs and surprise Denice when I get there so I went to tell Wren my plan.

He was watching a game on the tv while eating green salad, so human of him and plopped down next to him. "I decided to go back to Wolf Springs in a few weeks. I need to be busy and now that I'm okay and able to handle myself, I can do anything as I please without hurting anyone." I blurt out to my brother who looked over at me. "You sure you're ready for that?" Wren questions pausing the game to look back at me. I knew this was going to turn into a fight but I had to stay strong and remember he's human now and reason with him. I think he's testing me again I can sense it off him. "Yes I do, if I'm able to walk around in a mall full of people I think I can handle a school or two." I responded. "And if you don't think I'm ready let's go hang out every day somewhere public and let me prove it to you, and when you realize I did, let me go." I added on. He nodded his head as we shared a bro hug. "Okay, prove me wrong." And that was a promise.

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