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-Shays Pov-

I spent most my days the next week going to class and then going back to my dorm and sitting on my bed or at my desk doing homework. Most nights I tossed and turned and woke up screaming and crying from the dreams. It was always the same dream. Denice or Ray would sit with me rubbing my back telling me it's okay until I fell asleep again. They were tired just as much I was. Finally I caved and went to talk with my mother about what's been going on. "Mom can we talk?" I asked as I walked into her office. I sat down on one of the leather chairs in front of her desk. "Yes darling you know you can talk to me about anything?"

I stood up walked around her desk and hugged her, burying my face into her shoulder. "I-I have dreams; every night. The same dream of Dani being killed and they won't stop." I sobbed loudly not caring how big of a suck I was being. I just wanted this over. Mom squeezed me tighter hushing me in soft tones. "Please make them stop, I am tired and I want them to stop,"

When I finished talking I was in full blown tears and my mother held me not saying anything until I stopped crying. "Oh darling, I know it's hard and going through something like that is traumatic. I am going to talk with the schools therapist and set you up an appointment and she will help you through this. I know she will."I nodded and wiped my eyes before asking her the one question I've been dreading to know. "Are we going to have a memorial for Dani?"

My mom nodded her head. "Yes I was just working on it. We will gather the school in the great hall and I shall give a speech and present a photo and a plaque in memory of her. It will placed in a cabinet in the entryway of the school. If you wanted dear you could say a speech since Tobias isn't here to give it?"

I smiled. "Yeah I would like that."


"Good afternoon staff members and students of Dusk Manor," My mother's voice filled the great hall where we were all gathered for the memorial of Dani. Each house was sitting at they're table and nobody spoke while mother said her speech. The room felt so silent you could literally hear a penny drop. "Today I called you all here to remember and celebrate the life of Danielle Delroy. An amazing student, friend, sister and daughter. Who had a wonderful life that was cut short in recent events. I send my deepest condolences to her family and friends. Also I would remind you that we do have a therapist here in the school if any of you need to talk and need help during this time." My mother glanced at me and I gave her a soft smile as she continued on. "In her memory the school will be displaying her photo along with a plaque in a glass cabinet in the entryway so that students and families for generations can know and remember the brave soul that  Danielle Delroy was. I now will call upon my daughter Shaylyn Hastings to say some words for Danielle in her honour." My mother stepped down from the podium as I made my way up to it and looked around at everyone.

"Hello everyone, I would first like to send my deepest condolences to the family and friends of Danielle. She was an amazing, smar , kindhearted and loving friend, sister and daughter. She will be greatly missed and will never be forgotten." I look up and see all eyes on me, as I cleared my throat to continue on. "I promised her that she would never be forgotten that we would always remember her, and even though it hurts, I'll forever cherish the memories Dani and I created." I added smiling to myself. "I would also like to apologize on behalf of  my friends and myself for what we did it was reckless stupid and selfish. And we payed the price for it. In the laws of nature in both the mortal and immortal world every action has a reaction and every success a consequence, in successfully saving the life of one of our dearest friends well, we lost the life of another. We will forever be sorry. This shouldn't be sad as we are not here to celebrate the passing of Danielle but the wonderful life that she lived." I finished my speech and then the students and staff were dismissed back to class.


"Ray, Denice wake up! Come on we have to meet the headmistress at the entryway to start our punishments." I pulled the blankets off both girls who groaned and rubbed their eyes. Denice jumping up first and digging in her closet to find sweats or leggings to wear. Ray following behind her. I pulled on a pair of black sweats and a baby blue t-shirt and quickly braided my hair. Denice had on black leggings and a white tank top she got me to braid her hair was well in to two short French braids. Ray wore grey leggings and a black t-shirt and put her hair in a bun. We headed out meeting the boys along the way who were dressed in regular clothes like us. Even Aria joined us and mother sent Carter, Wren and Cade back to bed since they aren't students same with Kayleigh. As for the rest of us we were handed papers with our lists of things to be done. We started on the main floor. Ray cleaning the entrance and foyer top to bottom. Denice in the sitting-family room. Jake in the main hall cleaning everything. Aria was in the teachers lounge and the classroom next to it. I was sent to the 2 classrooms at on the east side of the main floor to clean and wipe everything down including the walls and windows. Next weekend we would be on the second floor which was going to take a few weekends and then we would move to the third floor after that and so on until the end of the school year. It was boring and quiet until I heard Denice whispering enough for my tracking ability to pick up. "Shay we need music." Suddenly my mom entered Denice's area as she was cleaning.

"Yes music would be nice but your being punished so not happening. However you can take a break for lunch. You get 1 hour." She left to tell the others and I ran to find my twin who was dragging Ray outside to go hunt. "Come on Shay I am thirsty where's the mountain lions or better yet a bear?"

"Ain't no bears in this area sis but there's a mountain lion 3 miles west." We ran off racing to see who could get it first I felt good. I felt happy and relaxed. It was nice. Of course I reached the mountain lion first taking it down and inviting my twin and friend to drink. We all drank until we were satisfied then we ran back laughing and being playful all the way back. We continued on cleaning and finished up our jobs before heading back to our dorms dirty and tired. Our dorm advisor stopped in and checked on us and Hortensia had been by and changed our sheets and bedding along with the bathroom towels and face cloths. After washing up we climbed into our beds and talked about what was going to be happening in the next little while with Kayleigh

"Denice?" My twin looked over at me while I called her name. "Are you okay with Carter being turned back into a wolf?"

Denice sighed. "Honestly, I am not sure. I mean in a way I have moved on from Carter after he broke my heart I changed but a small part of me still wants him and to have a future with him you know. It's all so confusing right now."

I smiled. "Of course you do he was your first love. You don't ever get over that. You will always have some love for him. That's just fine and it's okay." Denice got up and crawled into bed with me and hugged me. "Thanks sis I needed to hear that. What about you? Are you going to be okay tonight?" She asked rolling over to her stomach. "I hope so. I talked with mom and she is setting me up an appointment with the therapist. Hopefully that will help." Denice climbed back into her bed and we whispered goodnight to each other and for the first time in a week. I peacefully slept through the night.

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