CHAPTER 15: Incomparable

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After we finish eating Chaeyoung held my hands again while walking and leads me to somewhere else. While walking, she suddenly stopped and looked straight at me.

"Don't leave yet. Please?" she suddenly uttered wearing a very serious yet pleading face.

"I won't" I smiled reassuring her.

"How can I leave if you're holding me tightly?"I asked while smiling and looking at her face.

She just slowly nods then continues walking while holding my hand. We stopped by the stairs where I first saw her and then there she sits and tapped the place besides her giving me signal to sit there.

"I'm really enjoying right now" she honestly spoke.

"This is the first time that I enjoyed being with someone I just knew" she added while looking up at the dark sky filled with shining stars.

"We're the same. Imagine, we get to meet each other and talk as if we're that close." I stated and look up as well admiring the night sky view.

"Why? Aren't we close?" She suddenly asked and I can see from side vision that she's staring at me although my face is half-covered with my mask and hoodie.

"That's not what I mean, Chaeng" I said while shaking my head.

"I just can't believe that I'm sitting right beside you right now. I'm just someone whom you could consider as non-existent" She stated as if she's contemplating reasons why she had the chance to be with me right now.

"Chaeng, look at the night sky" I said.

I pointed to those stars that is shining brightly.

"Look at those stars that is shining brightly, the one that is from the right is you. There are so many stars but only few got the chance to shine the most. You're one of those who shine without you realizing it." I said then without even thinking twice I held her hand and smiled at her.

"I just can't even imagine that out of all the made-up numbers that Yerin could give me, it happened to be yours"

"There must be reason why" I uttered without thinking on what I've just said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you do believe in fate, there are a thousand reasons why it happened to be my number" I said.

"Is being a celebrity your dream?" she suddenly asked.

"I became a fan myself when I'm in middle school and I always wanted to become a great performer"

"Being a celebrity isn't always good" she honestly uttered.

I don't know how to response since the statement is right. Being a celebrity isn't always that good, there are times where you will just think of giving up but then you'll withdraw that thoughts since a lot of people depends on you.

"I studied to become a performer but at the end I chose not to." She said.

I must've expect that she's really great in singing and performing when she performed earlier because she went to the same school as Dahyun-shi but I forgot that detail.

"There's a point where we feel so exhausted, but knowing that we made thousands of people happy and inspired, at the end we also feel satisfied." I said speaking from my experience.

"Loud cheers and chants made us energized" I added.

"You really love performing" She concluded then smiled at me.

As we were talking my phone started to ring so I quickly grabbed it from my pocket and as I open it I can see that Jeongyeon-shi is calling.

"Is it okay if I answer this?" I asked while looking at her deep smile.

I don't know but I'm really into seeing her deep smiles, it is more unique because of her mole that emphasizes every time she smiles.

"Sure. Go ahead" she reassured then nodded at the same time.

I answered the phone call and put it right next to my ear.

"Jeongyeon-shi, why?" I asked.

"Yaaa~ it's 8:30, where are you?" I smiled knowing that my co-members are waiting for me.

It's been our tradition that if someone is still out during night times we must at least wait before going to sleep.

"Don't worry, I'm just here at Han River Park" I answered.

"Mina-unnie, aren't you afraid of that little simba?!!" I heard Dahyun's voice from the background that makes me laugh.

"She's indeed small" I answered while laughing then I turned to my left to check Chaeyoung then I giggled seeing her raising her right eyebrow looking so annoyed.

"But seriously, Miguri we want to sleep now." Momo shouted from the background.

"I'll be back soon. Bye" I said then hang up the phone.

"I'm sorry that I had to take that call. It's Jeongyeon-shi and I shouldn't miss every time she calls" I explained to Chaeyoung

"Are you going back to your dorm now?" she asked wearing a sad face.

"Yes. I need to, I'm sorry"

I really love her company but I need to go back to our dorm now and that makes me sad too since this is our first time meeting each other and I can say that it's too short for us to get to know each other more.

"No. Why are you sorry?" She asked.

She looked around us then she suddenly removes my hood confidently knowing that only few people are around. Chaeyoung looks straight to my eyes wearing her mysterious face. My heart beats vastly as she stares on me, it really feels awkward knowing that someone is looking at you intently. I looked down because I really feel so tensed and embarrassed but I became much startled when she pulls me for a hug then whispers.

"I really enjoyed being with you" as she let out those words I felt goose bumps through my entire legs and arms.

She let go of me stands up and put back my hood.

"I'm sorry for that." She exclaimed

"T-that's fine" I answered while stuttering.

"I'll accompany you going to the taxi bay" she said.

I just agreed on her offer and stands up as well. We walks silently yet fast since it's already late night, as we are approaching the taxi bay she suddenly speak.

"Tell Dahyun, it's a shame knowing that I'm taller than her" She said than laughs.

I just nodded and smiled at her and to my goodness she smiled back at me that makes the moment back to silence.

"I like your smile. It's incomparable" I suddenly blurted.

She looks flustered and it's evident that she's blushing since her cheeks is turning red.

"Yaa~ I just admire how cute you are, my friend" I said then smiled at her.

We've reached the taxi bay and we finally bid goodbye to each other.

"I bet this is not the last time that we'll meet right?" Chaeyoung asked while looking at me.

"Of course" I answered reassuring her.

"Thank you. Take care" she smiled then she turned back at me starting to walks away.

"Chaeng Chaeng! We'll meet soon. Kamsahamnida!" I shouted even though my voice is soft, I simply wanted to tell her that thing.

She turned her head looking at me. She smiled and nodded.

I look like a crazy but I don't care, I just really enjoyed being with Chaeyoung. There's something in her presence that makes me wanted to be with her again.

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