CHAPTER 31: Missing

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I tired myself out yesterday practicing with my teammates so I got knocked out as soon as I went home. We were also told that we'll be heading to Brazil 2 days from now so we need to be more than prepared. I checked my phone as soon as I woke up hoping that there was a message from Minguin but I was somehow disappointed because there was none.

It's around 7 and a few minutes from now I'll be heading to our practice since the coach is expecting us to be early. I'm trying to call Minguin but her number is out of coverage. I don't have an idea what's happening, maybe because they are loaded with schedules that she has to turn off her phone.

"Hey?" Dahyun greeted in a questionable tone.

I tried calling her as well and I was lucky that she picked up.

"Hey! Dubu how's my Mina?" I blatantly asked.

A few seconds passed she wasn't answering my question yet and the other line seemed to be quiet.

"Dubu can you hear me?" I asked to check if she could hear me from her end.

"Yes I can hear you"

"C'mon what's happening?" I asked hoping that she'd answer my question directly.

"Mina-unnie's fine why?" she plainly answered.

"Nothing. She's not even answering my call and not even sending a single message" I explained letting her know that I'm kind of worried.

"Okay. I need to go now Chaeyoung-ah." She answered without even leaving a single opinion about what I'd said.

I feel so down at this moment knowing that Dahyun seems to be busy as well and I have nothing to talk to but I guess I just simply need to wait for Minguin to contact me. No matter how worried I am I still need to go and practice, I don't want to disappoint my teammates because of my own issues knowing that I'm the team captain.

As soon as the clock hit 7:30 I quickly went out of our house and went straight to where my car is parked. It's not that far from our home plus the traffic is not congested.


"Chaeyoung-ah" Somi immediately greeted me as I got out of my car.

"Hey Somi!" I greeted back

"Did you already inform your mother that we'll be leaving two days from now?"

"Oh shoot! I forgot"

"But I'll inform her later since we'll just have a half-day practice today plus I wanted to inform her in person so I'll go to Seoul later" I breathtakingly explained.

"Okay. Good thing that I've already informed my parents" she gladly exclaimed.


We have a scheduled fan signing event today for one of our CF's but we've been having a problem since earlier. When we woke up Mina was not around and we also contacted her phone number however it's out of coverage. We don't know where she is right now.

We don't have a right to be mad at Mina for messing up our schedules since we're not in her position. It's really hard since having that problem also affects her career but we need to be there for her. We need to support her. Mina's quiet at all times, she rarely talks, she rarely opens up and I know for a fact that every time she does have a problem or insecurity, it always affects her mentally. As her unnie, the last thing that I wanted to happen was to see her unloving herself.

"Unnie, Dahyun-shi said that Mina-unnie's not with Chaeyoung since Chaeyoung also called to ask about her" Tzuyu stated with a glimpse of sadness with what was happening.

I simply nodded since I didn't know how to respond to her statement knowing that Mina's nowhere to be found.

"What if we contact her mom?" Momo suggested.

"That's actually helpful. Who has a number?" Jihyo asks.

"I do have" Momo answered.

As soon as we got the number from Momo's phone we immediately called her and luckily she picked up in a matter of seconds.

"Hello?" Mina's mom asks from the other line.

"Uhm. It's about Mina" Sana openly stated.

"Ohh. She's fine. She just called me earlier with a different number" she immediately answered having a hint that we're worried about her daughter.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Unfortunately, no. She also doesn't want to tell me"

"Okay. Thank you" We all answered in unison letting her know that we are all listening

We seriously are worried about Mina today but at least we are somehow relieved knowing that she updated her mom and she's fine. Wherever she is I hope she'll not do something that will harm herself.


It's been almost past 11 but I haven't received any message from Minguin yet. I knew that they were just scheduled to have a fan sign event since I checked their fandom group. I've been messaging her a lot since earlier and she's not even replying. What would I expect knowing that her phone's out of coverage?

I'm just sitting here on the bench comfortably since the coach sent us to our last break. I've been checking my SNS since earlier as well since I have nothing to do. As I was about to open Instagram I received a message from an unknown number so I immediately opened it.

UN: Han River, 7:30 pm.

I don't if I'm going to reply since it's an unknown number and I don't have an idea where the hell did this person get my number.

CY: Who are you? And where'd you get my number btw?

UN: Just meet me Chaeyoung.

I got goosebumps as I received her message in just a matter of seconds. For instance, she really knew who I was and her message was really for me.

I don't know if I'll be going to meet this person since I don't even know who it is. What more if it's a diehard fan of Twice? What's more, if that person's planning to do something with me since I'm linked with Mina. I really don't know what to do. Receiving this message brings a lot more confusion to me.

I don't even know if I'll take the risk of meeting this unknown person just to aid my curiosity as to who it is.

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