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"So we agreed that Mina will not be joining the following concerts and promotions as well" I stated facing the senior staff manager.

He just nodded then looked at paper works in front of him.

"Alright. Don't worry, we'll take care of everything" he answered.

"Kamsahamnida" I plainly answered.

Although it's a tough decision we've decided to just let Mina rest and take a break from everything. She experienced being bullied through online, she suffers mentally these past weeks so we truly understand her.

I went out from the office and immediately look for the service car in the parking lot since I need to go back to our dorm quickly since in an hour we'll be heading to Los Angeles for our concert, we just finished our Singapore concert few days ago and now we'll be having our concerts in America.

"Here!" manager-unnie shouted from the right side of the parking lot near the giant post.

I walk forward going to her and simply smiled at her.

"How did it go?" she curiously asked.

"They're fine about it unnie"

"Are they all prepared now?" I asked.

"I called Nayeon earlier and she told me that they're just waiting for you" she answered and nods towards the driver giving a signal to start driving.



We're just waiting for Jihyo-unnie since she went first to our management's office to discuss things. It may be hard but performing as 7 is our choice instead of knowing that unnie's performing but she's not well.

"Did you bring your other phone Momo-ya?" Sana-unnie asked.

"What if I don't? Do you care?" Momo answered wearing her poker face

"Jeongyeon-shi~Moberty again" Sana-unnie whines while hugging Jeongyeonnie.

"Not that we're new to it" Jeongyeonnie simply answered.

"Jihyo-ya!" Nayeon shouted from the window.

I believe Jihyo-unnie's already arrived from the office that's why unnie's shouting her name loudly.

"Everyone, we need to go now" Jihyo-unnie announced.

I'm just sitting on my bed while patting Ray's head slowly. I don't want to go out, I just wanted to stay here and live quietly. I wanted to escape the world and I wanted to escape my dream for a little while.

"Raay~time to eat" mom speaks loudly that startled Ray and immediately went down the bed.

As soon as Ray exits my room I quickly lay down.

Those comments online, those hateful opinions about me, I don't care about those things. It affects me a little but it doesn't give that much impact compared to how that one person that I cared the most abandoned me.

I feel so thirsty all of a sudden so I stood and up and decided to just get water on my own. I don't want mom to be tied up with me giving me all the things I need in a handy, she already gave up her work for two months just to look after me.

I went downstairs and walk straight at the kitchen to get some water in a bottle for my room. I turn my back after getting bottled water since I can sense that someone's watching me.

"You startled me" I said in a low voice

Good thing I have Ray beside me. I sat down to level Ray's height and patted his fluffy back.

"Ray? This isn't your collar" I whispered since it's a different collar from his usual one that I bought in Korea

I checked the tag along with it and read the letters "미안해", I slowly looked up and saw a small figure standing in front me smiling while her tears are streaming down her face continuously.

"What are you doing here?" I plainly asked.

I don't know if it's right to feel excited and happy 'cause that's what I'm feeling right now but still the anger that I've been keeping to myself because she gave me too much pain has been leading my mind to throw her out of our house.

"Where are you looking at?" mom suddenly uttered that made me go back to my senses.

I am so confused right at this moment thinking that what I've seen earlier is not real. I wanted it to be real, I wanted to just hear her voice and that would be fine.

"Mom? I saw Chaeyoung. Is it just my imagination?" I curiously asked her but she suddenly just frowned a little bit.

I went upstairs back to my room to clear my mind upon slightly pushing the door I saw Ray sitting on my bed with his usual collar on.

"Maybe it's just my imagination" I whispered to myself

I opened the television on my room to somehow divert my mind from thinking about her. I switched the channel to watch a Korean show since I wanted to know how is it going there although I know that my co-members are on their way to United States.

"Country's pioneering girl football captain who had their team won last international match, Son Chaeyoung has been reported missing after Korean Air Flight 1576 going to Europe crashes due to technical problem of the aircraft, 111 individuals are reportedly dead while 59 are still missing including Ms. Son" the news anchor professionally delivered.

"Mina! What are you watching?!" mom shouted and rushes to my bed.

"You knew! Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just saw it earlier in the morning news" mom said while comforting me.

"I-it can't be"


It's November, time flies that fast. Our group's relationship is going strong and I'm happy that little by little we are getting recognized internationally. Mina's joining us and overcoming her fears and every stage that we shared with her makes me so proud.

"Mina-ya!" I shouted to catch the attention of Mina who's playing on her phone right now.


"Come here." I answered

I wanted to ask her something since it keeps on bothering me. I wanted to know if she's just pretending to be fine or she finally moved on from her.

"Do you still think about her?" I frankly asked

To my surprised she just smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I still do. I wonder where she is right now but there are still a lot of questions in my mind that I wanted to ask her" she said and then smiled.

"But whatever happens, I still believe in fate Momoring" she continued then walks away

I don't know what it means but I feel assured that she's in a good state now and I'm happy for her.

"Nayeon!" Tzuyu shouted since Jeongyeon's beside her and whispering some stuffs that annoys unnie.

"Ouch~" Sana murmured since she got her elbow bumped into the wall

"How clumsy you are" I slowly uttered

I just smiled looking at how beautiful and how messy at the same time my environment is. Full of laughter and jokes, full with annoyance and love.

Breakthrough | MiChaeng (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now