CHAPTER 34: We both did

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I wiped off my tears since it can't stop from streaming down my face. I'm heading back to our dorm now devastated with what I did. I deeply wanted to hug her, I deeply wanted to wipe her tears off, I deeply wanted to comfort her but there's nothing I can do but to just hurt her. Recalling everything from earlier gives me a feeling that I don't really deserve Chaeng, she's someone whom should not be hurt. I should have loved her more instead of hurting her but decision-making in a situation reigns.

"Mina do you want to go back to Japan for just a while?" manager asked while scrolling the screen of his phone.

They look for me earlier and unluckily they found me. They are the one who texted Chaeyoung to meet up with me and I admit I am weak to just follow what they wanted. I'm stuck with choices between Chaeyoung and my co-members. I had to choose one and so I chose my co-members.

"No. I want to stay with my members"

Like seriously. I don't think of going back to Japan having this state. They might think that I'll accept their offer to somehow clear my mind and refresh but I won't.

"Okay. Fix yourself, 3 minutes left before we reach the dorm" he seriously stated as if he's not feeling even a bit of conscience.

I just stared at him wearing a sad eyes 'cause I can't really contain the sadness that I'm feeling at this moment.

I'm still thinking of what could have happen to Chaeng Chaeng since I just left her alone being in pain and crying hard.

After a few minutes we finally arrived at the dorm and I prepare myself before going down in case that there's a dispatch or some fans outside.

"Mina, don't go out unless it's a schedule-related matter" he stated and opened the car door for me.

I simply nodded since I don't want to talk to him anymore. They don't own my life just to control me after all.

As soon as I enter our dorm I found out some of my co-members sitting on the couch quietly.

"Unnie~" Dahyun exclaimed and hugs me.

"Mitang!" Sana greeted in a high tone and hugs me as well.

"Where did you go? You made us all nervous" Jihyo stated while looking down

I just can't answer all of them. I knew it is usual for them to be worried because I suddenly just went out leaving them with no trace plus messing up our schedule but I'm feeling real heavy at this moment.

"I-im sorry" I stated then burst out with tears.

They all hug me and I knew for a fact that they exactly know what's happening.

"Can I talk to unnie for a moment?" Dahyun said while holding my wrists.

They all look confused with her request even myself but they all just nodded.

Dahyun lead me to their room and I know that she's going to talk about one thing.

"Dahyun, mianhae" I started since I've caused pain to her best friend

"Unnie, aniyo. I've also hurt Chaeyoung because of my frustrations and I feel so sorry with what I did to her. I blamed her unnie." She stated and her tears starting to stream down her face

"She doesn't deserve what I did to her. I'm her best friend and I should be by her side at this moment" she slowly speak while sobbing

I seriously don't know how could I comfort her since we're feeling the same, we did the same. I just hug her to somehow make her calm.

"Unnie, I don't know how to face her" she stated.

"I don't know too"

"I'll make a way to apologize to her, unnie. I can't live a life knowing that I did something bad to my best friend."

I just nodded since I don't know how to react. I did much worst to Chaeng Chaeng and I think I don't have a right for her to forgive me.

"I think you guys need to eat now" Jihyo interfered us while smiling deeply

"We're all in it together okay? Whatever your problem is it's our problem too" Jihyo added then hugs both of us.

I should be thankful at this moment since my co-members are there guiding and comforting me but however I don't even know how to forgive myself. I can't even take Chaeyoung off my mind, I can't even take off her image of crying and begging earlier. I messed up everyting, that's the only thing I know.

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