𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦.

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hi small a/n:
i know some people don't like kpop :^( but if you give any song a chance let it be this one ! it's so perfect for this chapter and overall theme !! the music video is so cute and sweet and also a love story around two girls ! okok bye enjoy love you !


the previous three minutes of tyler's life had felt unreal. he was on a cloud over something so small. he didn't want to ruin his chance at missing whatever josh needed him for. he made his way to mr. fitz's science room, his favorite class. tyler liked one thing about this period, and it had nothing to do with science. it was purely because of the boy with the chocolate brown curls.

jenna let tyler find his way to his assigned seat as they both shared the same curiosity, when would josh burst through the door? all they knew was it would late as usual. tyler had expected this, it was routine to doodle soft things about josh while he waits for him.

"hey there, ty" tyler's heart skipped a beat.
he didn't except him to he here, not so soon, not now. josh had shown up to class early, early to find tyler.

"ty?" he was startled and immediately blushed at the tall boy sitting front of him. the small nickname turned his blush a deeper shade of red that kissed even the tips of his ears. he's heard it before but never from someone like his josh.

"hi" tyler said it as if it was a question. if it a question, he thought he was very wrong.
the small boy was back to earth, but only for a second. he realized what was happening and slammed the notebook shut. josh seeing that would be the death of him.

"you know how fitz is making us doing this science presentation?" of course tyler knew. he had been working the night it was assigned.

"well, i know you went your own way and did a individual thing but, my friend max flaked on me and i dunno maybe me and you could do this? together yanno? if not i get it i mean you're like super smart huh? you've probably already finish-"  josh could've gone on and on if he wasn't interrupted by the younger boy.

"i-i'll help you, okie?"

"really? you don't hafta, really i was just wondering, i'll help you and everything. why don't you come over today and we can figure everything out? or you could call me if that doesn't work for you?"

"nuh uh, t-today. today is p-perfect"
tyler was quick and eager with his response. this felt like another one of his daydreams. he never wanted the soft honey words that came from josh to stop.

"yeah? alright i'll walk you to my place after school." an abrupt, booming voice broke the perfect moment. the soft honey words had stopped as quickly as they'd started.

"mr. dun. if you have something to tell tyler, you ask him on a date, but not in class. face forward." this earned a few snickers from josh's friends and an eye roll from him. tyler's blush had been as deep and as pigmented as ever. he was giddy and smiled high with his chin held by both of his palms.

.*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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