𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯.

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"hey, baby?"
josh shouted up the stairs with a pan in his hand. "you hungry?"

no response.
a piece of his mind knew that it was too early for tyler. josh hadn't slept the night prior. tyler's words swam through his mind, his heavenly voice bounced and echoed from each corner of his brain. take me, daddy. josh wasn't sure if any of that was truly real. maybe he had been so sleep deprived to the point where he had hallucinated that his crush in his bed, wearing lingerie and calling him daddy.

tyler was heaven and he wouldn't leave josh's head. josh missed him and he was only asleep upstairs. he missed his soft clinginess, the way it made josh feel important, needed.

small footsteps moved on the ceiling above josh, tyler was awake. josh placed the chocolate pancakes off the hot pan and onto a plate for tyler. he saw tyler's small bare feet going step by step down the stairs from the kitchen stovetop before the rest of his frame appeared as well.

"hey, ba-"
he was cut off by arms that barely wrapped around his own waist. tyler was still wearing his lingerie with his forehead against josh's chest.

josh smiled down, rustling his soft tuffs of hair gently. josh's mind raced, thinking about the things that were said the night before, about how things could've gone if he wanted. he felt a twitch underneath his gray sweat pants but quickly brushed it off.

josh lifted him up on the counter, letting him watch over the pancakes as they bubbled up to the surface.

"s-smells good."
tyler rubbed his eyes, attempting to wake himself up more.

"made them for just you."
josh turned around from the stove to deliver another pancake onto the rest of the stack and, planting a kiss on tyler's forehead. tyler smiled to himself in awe of his favorite boy. it comfortable, normal. their company was warm and sweet, they didn't have to speak or do much to show that they enjoyed to be around each other.

tyler watched joshua as he flipped pancakes and walked back and forth around the kitchen. he was absolutely handsome, each exposed muscle must've been crafted by angels themselves. his grey sweatpants exposed more than a few strong muscles, tyler felt a flutter in his tummy.

"you're s-so pretty, j-joshua."

joshua. the use of his full name made it feel important, it made it feel real. his heart jumped and josh genuinely blushed for the first time in a while.


the taller boy turned the stove top off, turing around to stack the final pancake among, what felt like, dozens of others. he put the pan back and placed his hands and either side of counter, enclosing the space around tyler's thighs.

"thank you, tyler. that was very sweet of you." almost a whisper in his ear followed by a kiss on his nose, then shivers down his spine. this moment in time was pure, full of warm bliss.

"that's more than enough for the two of us, okay?"

"y-you didn't have to do a-all of this for me."

"of course i did. this is how you should always be treated, i'm just doin' my job." he smiled showing his bright teeth.

"i-i own y-you one then. w-whatever you n-need, i'll d-do anything b-because these," tyler stopped to lean down and sniff the warm stack of sweet pancakes. "smell incredible. i-i dunno h-how i'll ever repay y-you."

well there were a few things josh would love to make tyler do for him.


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