𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦.

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tyler knew josh, he loved josh and still he was nervous. he could've hung out with josh three hundred and fifty times and still be nervous the three hundred and fifty second time. it never got old, calls from josh, picking his outfit and waiting for his prince to come. the goosebumps would never ware off when he was around josh.  he was electric, his energy was something tyler had never seen. josh wasn't just a boy, he was a man. his muscles rippled throughout his body and the deep growly voice he used around certain times with ty made him feel a type of way.

a faint knocking could be heard from across the room. tyler sat up from his soft bed, moving his baby pink duffle aside in attempts to get up. he rummaged through his stuffies, aka his contenders, until he found his phone underneath one of his many hello kitty plushies.

'missed call from joshie 💘'

tyler's heart raced and he was quick to look out the window that overlooked his driveway. josh never knocked, he always called first. tyler's older brother, zack was the only one home, fortunately. he still didn't know about josh, at least not the fact that he wanted to take his little brother's hand in marriage. they saw each other around the school, josh was the most popular guy and zack was his crush's older brother. they kept tabs on each other's existences.

"uh, hi."

"hey, zack, right?"

"yeah, hi, josh," zack took his hand, greeting him in return. "can i help you with something?"

"yeah actually, you can," josh peered into the house, looking up the steps in hopes that tyler would be there. "is tyler ready?"

"ready for what?"

the sweet sugary boy carried his hello kitty backpack slugged over his shoulders and an arm full of stuffies.
his entrance gained both of the boys' attention. zack glanced back at josh who'd been leaning against the doorframe, smirking back at tyler, his little brother. zack furrowed his brows and turned back at the jock in their doorway once more.

"excuse me, you might wanna take a step back." josh did, subconsciously listening as zack slammed the door in his face.

"tyler joseph! do you have any idea who that boy is? you think i'm letting you go out? with him? like that? why do you have stuff? you don't need stuff, tyler!"
zack exaggerated each question, whisper-yelling, trying to not let joshua hear from the other side of the door.

little tyler dropped his items, sending his stuffies down the steps. tyler zoomed down the steps and tried making his way past zack.

"zack, wh-what're you d-doing?! o-open the door!"


"nuh uh, i don' care! you a-already e-embarrassed me e-enough, jus' let him in!" tears were threatening to spill, only this time they were fueled by frustration.

josh stood, in awe, listening to the two brothers scream at each other from the porch. he wasn't the only one who could've heard, josh felt for their neighbors. he could hear each and every word they shared.

"tyler, listen to me. he's the kind of boy that does bad things, ty, very bad things. didn't you hear? he got into that crazy wreck after some booze filled party."

"s-so not true! you have no idea what you're talking about!"

"i'm not letting you go, ty."

the two struggled with each other, zack using all of his strength to hold him back from the front door.

tyler wormed his way past his older brother, turning the knob and running into josh's arms.

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