𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘳.

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.*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

tyler spent the rest of the day bubblier than usual, which truly meant something. he swore this day had been a dream he would soon wake up from but jenna was his witness.

"d-d-do you think i could m-make joshie have a c-crush on me?" tyler decided that if he spent lots of time with the boy, maybe he could. maybe even not lots of time, i mean, have you seen the notebook? he thought one day they could and live in a big, big dream castle with his favorite boy.

"bub, who doesn't have a crush on you?" jenna had her suspicions with josh but she knew that everyone wanted tyler at this school. they either wanted to be with him or be him, simple as that.

"oh s-shush, jen, if t-that was true i'd have a handsome t-tall b-boyfriend by n-now."

"hey, ty!"
the familiar voice again. his joshie.

"i was thinking we could leave from the bus doors? near b hall, yeah? it's easier than walking around the school in the hot sun."

"i-i, uh, i guess s-so."

"alright, sweet. just meet me there and we can get going."


"alright, catch you later."
he extended a large palm and waited for tyler to do the same. josh took tyler's smaller hand in his and smiled at him. tyler felt his body melt through the floors and vanish. the deep red blush had appeared on his cheeks and ate him up. they let go and walked to their separate classes.

"oh yeah, hi jenna !"
josh had turned around from across the hall, waving his hands in the air with a grin on his face.

"jeez he's such a dork."
jenna talked to tyler through her smile as she waved back at the tall figure moving further down the hall.

"y-yeah well h-he's a cute d-dork, huh, jen?"

"yeah he's cute but his brain is fried from being with all his cracked out friends."

"nuh uh j-jen, he's s-so smart"

"getting a good grade a crummy presentation doesn't make him smart. besides, that project was student graded. that just means he's cute, not smart."

the tiny boy crossed his arms and let out a small "hmph". josh could be smart or cute but tyler was about to be late for his final class of the day, he could hardly wait. he would doodle and daydream about his boy while each second ticked closer to them being together.

.*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


hi :^( i haven't gotten much sleep and my last chapter got less reads than the others. i dunno if i've written bad stuff or maybe its moving too too slow or too too fast :(( if you have any suggestions on how to make this better pls leave them for me. bye bye love you, i hope you enjoy this chapter more.

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