𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.

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"i-i wonder w-w-what joshie w-would wanna s-see me i-in. m-maybe 'doesn't like my skirts? a d-dress?"

"well, he's josh. i'm sure he wouldn't mind seeing you with anything, or yanno, nothing." jenna was blunt and hilarious. her small jokes were nothing but jokes and still, they made tyler's heart flutter. would josh really think that? jenna knew there was more to her jokes. josh looked a tyler as if the world revolved around him. tyler's giggle rang through the other end of the phone.

"j-jenna! sh, sh, sh. t-tha's d-dirty." the sweet boy was blushing thinking about his josh. he was confident that knew how to take care of tyler. tyler wasn't worried or scared this time, either. josh had tyler's trust, entirely. they had called all night last night. jenna had to remind tyler to shut up but it's hard to quiet a boy when he's on the phone with his crush. tyler was so happy, the boy gleamed. the two didn't stop talking even after the sun awoke. tyler giggled and squirmed on his side of the bed all night. eventually, jenna took the phone from tyler's grip and hung up for him.

"k, bye josh, yeah, okay, we love you, uh huh, bye."

it was the best night of tyler's life. josh's smooth voice rang around his he leaving him lovestruck. tyler didn't mind getting to spend the day with him one bit.

it was now 1:45pm and tyler looked in the mirror with jenna on the phone over facetime. he had less than an to choose an hour for josh.

"s-so, um, t-this one, r-right?"

tyler stood in front of the mirror and patted down his plaid skirt. jenna decided that a small white top under a denim jacket went perfectly. she was right, as always. tyler added his own touch with thigh highs and his favorite white sneakers, he was ready.

"it's perfect, bub. josh might fall in love."


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tyler waited on the stone steps outside of his house for josh. tyler rested his soft round face in his palms and found his eyes shut.

a cherry red truck parked across the street from the sleeping boy. josh emerged from the pick up made his way to the boy as he rested peacefully.

josh knew he shouldn't have kept him up so late but, he couldn't resist tyler. the boy's eyes fluttered open and a blushed smile rose high in his cheeks at the sight of josh. he didn't say a word, he felt little. feeding into his little state, he made grabby hands up at josh, silently asking to be held.

"not now, ty. remember what happened when i carried you, hm? i can't have you falling asleep again."

"b-but joshie c-called me a-all night, r'member?"

"i told you many times that you could rest if you wanted to, staying up was your idea, sleepyhead." josh offered a hand out to tyler. "come on, this A+ isn't gonna get itself."

josh hoisted the boy up onto his feet, getting a better look at him. the way tyler's skirt flew around his thighs left josh in awe. josh didn't let go of tyler's hands, making sure he got across the street safely.

"need help?"
the truck was too tall for tyler to get in. lots of things were too big or too tall for little ty.

"y-yes, p'ease."

one swift boost and tyler was safely inside. josh didn't waste anytime and buckled tyler up while he was at it. josh put his muscular arms to use with tyler around and he didn't mind. josh worked his way to the drivers side of the car and buckled up.


"yup, w-we're gonna g-get the b-b- bestest g-grades in, in t-the whole s-school, huh?"

"i'm sure of it."

the two drove toward josh's house a few streets away. not much had changer since the last time tyler was there but, it had gotten cleaner. josh wasted no time the night before, technically morning. as soon as their call ended josh rushed to make the house was cleaned for tyler. he even made sure to buy a cotton candy ice cream from the truck that passed his house just for tyler. josh was quick to lead tyler into his bedroom. tyler sat on the edge of josh's bed, josh quickly sat down beside him.

"so, let's get started, yeah?"

"y-yeah, i-i had, uh," tyler was nervous, he felt it in his face and the way he stumbled on his words. "i s-started a p-project, um, a-already, b-but w-w-we can keep w-working from t-that t-together?"

"shit, i didn't know you had anything. i should've asked, i don't wanna put my name on your work."

"n-no, no, i-it's okay."

this didn't feel right, josh didn't want to make tyler think he was only using him.

"i didn't know and i should've asked, i'm sorry. why don't i just work on the other half? just to be fair? you can just hang out or something while i work."

"b-but," tyler thought about it. he also thought about how unnecessary it was and how used he was to doing projects for people. "but, w-wanna help a-and do t-this together.um, y-you can r-research 'nd i-i'll make t-the final c-copy, okie?"

not only did tyler want to work with josh but he needed to. he needed an excuse to be around josh, in his house, in his room and on his bed. whether it was for a science project didn't matter to tyler, he got to be him. without a doubt, josh felt the very same way. having tyler was the best thing in josh's world. being able to take care of the sweet boy brought him happiness. josh wasn't sure how or when it began but, a piece of his heart would beat only for tyler.


i hope you enjoyed this it was sorta soft but it dragged on and im not happy with it but :( its out so i hope you enjoyed it! love you bye bye <3

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