𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯.

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"joshua! josh, honey!" there was the sound of shuffling and pure darkness.

"he's awake! nurse! hello?! stay here with him honey," there was the sound of a door opening before his mom's favorite shoes clicked away. it was dark and the air felt heavy. josh felt like he was being weighed down by cinderblocks, slowly sinking into the mattress beneath him.

"o-oh my god, josh!" a movement came closer to one side of his still body. there was an soft, cool hand brushing the hair from his forehead.

"j-j-joshie!" soft broken snuffles, a familiar pair of soft plump lips left traces along his forehead and cheek. josh had known his boy all too well.

josh's voiced was tough and jagged, his pain could be heard throughout the cracks in his voice.

"josh, oh, j-joshie."

" 'm okay, i'm okay."
josh smiled weakly. he held his hand out to tyler, missing the feel of his skin. tyler took josh's hand in his own and held it up to his warm, rosy cheek.

"s-scared me." tylers cheeks were hot and damp with the thin stream of contiuous tears.

"th-they told us th-th-that you stopped b-breathing." tylers voice was so broken. it hitched and jostled as his lungs filled with air all too quickly. josh fought to open his eyes. he wanted to see tyler, to show him that he was okay even when he, quite physically, was not. his eyelids weighed him down like cinder blocked. he could make out a few shapes from the glimpses of light behind his eyelashes. the hand from tylers cheek collapsed onto the handles beside josh as he pulled himself up.

"j-jish! careful, p-please?"

"i got it, baby." his voice croaked and cracked, rough like sandpaper.

something started beeping, followed by two nurses rushing in with his mother.

"oh my baby!"

"joshua? i'm gonna need you to take it easy okay? lay down if you have to."

"but tyler's here."
josh smiled, trying to lighten the mood with his beautiful smile. he still squinted, avoiding the fluorescent hospital lights.

"i-it's o-okay, josh. l-listen to them th-they can help."

"y-you're crying, honey." he took a moment to fix himself, finally sitting up. "can i get him water please? a-and me?"

one of the many nurses walked over to a small sink in the corner, filling a small disposable cup for tyler and joshua.

"here you are." a tall tan man handed them both water before propping josh's bed up slightly.

"how are we feeling?"

"tired a-and my ribs hurt a-and my arm," josh opened his eyes more than halfway to observe his surroundings. "my arm! what the fuck happened to my arm?"

"you broke it, josh, what were you thinking? driving down the back roads so late, god." his mom only sighed, combing her hair behind her ears.

"i-i'm sorry, mom."

"joshua, you bruised two ribs and broke one arm. other than that you didn't seem to have any other injuries."

" o-oh." josh felt slight humiliation. he knew the roads like the back of his hand, how could he be so reckless with so much at stake?

"y-you fainted in your car a-and then y-you got stuck, i-idiot." tyler whispered, smiling at josh.

"i-i did?" his face blushed red unexpectedly, it must've been something about tyler's smile.

"mhm, he's right." a nurse beside him and his mother had spoken up. "the airbag had been applying pressure to your ribs and lungs. along with the mixture of pain and shock that you felt, it happens."


"don't be sorry, josh . just be careful."
joshua's mom squeezed his hand.

"besides that," the nurse sighed, holding a clipboard close to her chest. "you should be all better in no time. a little rest, fluids. we'll take care of you overnight and set you off soon."

"great, school doesn't want me for a week anyways." josh chuckled before grabbing his chest. "ouch, fuck."

"careful around your lungs."

"oh, yeah."


"all i could think about was you."

the air was filled with each other's warmth, pure love radiating off of one another. josh lifted his arm to caress tyler's face, holding his hand there gently.

"i was so scared, baby." josh closed his eyes, letting out a deep, shaky breath.

"s-so silly, d-dont do that again, o-okay?"
tyler smiled at him, tears threatening to spill. he had been sitting up beside josh on the bed with his legs crossed, facing him.

"i won't. i have too much on the line, i can't afford to act like that, honey. i'm so sorry that i did. i-it was stupid and i should've used my head."
a tear escaped between josh's eyelashes, leaving a trail behind itself on his cheek.

"no, no, no, p-please,"
tyler reached to hold josh's hands in his own.

"it's n-not your fault. all you e-ever do is use your head. you take c-care of so much inside there. y-you have to start thinking about y-you."

tyler was right. josh did nothing but worry for everyone, everyone except himself. josh wondered if his mom was okay, if food would reach the dinner rable, if bills would get paid. he worried about tyler, if he would come close to the sick, horrible people josh had tried to keep him away from. how could he not worry over the only people he loved? josh was his own father figure, he had to be. the world was on his own shoulders just so it didn't have to be on anyone else's.


"i'm s-serious, josh. i need you t-to be careful, if not for you th-then for m-me."

josh didn't know what to say. he had never had someone love him so much. tyler had loved him more than all of his past relationships combined. tyler was unlike anyone he had ever known, josh got lucky.

"thank you. i'll be more careful, i promise."

"pinky promise?"
tyler extended a delicate, dainty finger and waited for josh to do the same.

"pinky promise."
their fingers locked before they smiled contently at each other. they relaxed, loosening up to the empty hospital room.

"gosh! w-we're such b-babies." tyler moved out of the bed and over to joshua's side of the bed. his soft hand wiped away at joshua's cheeks, leaving a small kiss where a tear had been. josh smiled, pulling tyler in for a taste of his soft lips.

tyler giggled while their lips connected for the first time in what felt like forever.

"missed you."
josh spoke between the kiss.

"missed you m-most."
tyler pulled apart, still leaving their faces less than an inch apart. their foreheads rested against each other.

"tyler, do you wanna go on a date with me?"


okie ik i suck im sorry i have zero excuse i just suck :c !!! new chapter soon new stuff i swear i'm sorry you guys omg. i gotta go super badly so even this is rushed but this was 1200+ words so yay me! okie bye bye love thank you for reading <33

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