𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦.

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tyler was anxious. this feeling was no longer sweet and happy. ty was scared and overwhelmed, he didn't wanna go to josh's house. he just wanted to go to jenna's house and bake cookies. tyler was on the cusp of crying. the minutes had gone by faster than ever. he just wanted everything to stop, he just wanted to breathe. he never planned any of this to happen today and it all began to hit him, ty just wanted to go home.

*ding, ding, ding*
three soft chimes had played over the schools intercom. he saw everything so quickly, his peers rushing to leave, loud chatter, everything was too much. tyler felt a hand pat the top of his head softly. jenna.

"hey, bub, let's get going." she took notice tears down the boys face before he did. she knew what to do and acted swiftly. she leaned down to his eye level and collected a few of his things.

"ok, bub, it's okay, it's gonna be okay." jenna wiped his tears away with her soft sleeves. she knew she had to get him out of the classroom that would quickly become empty. if the teacher noticed, counselors would get involved which would make tyler more scared.

"j-jenna, i don f-f-feel good a-anymore." tyler spoke almost quiet enough to be a whisper.

"babes, i know, i know. it'll be tougher if we stay in here. why don't we step out to the hall, okay?"

"a-a-at the l-little b-bench?"

"mhm, we can go there and talk, okay? i might even have some cookies in my locker for you, bub."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

the duo had slowly made their way across the halls and arrived at a small bench in a quiet spot in b hall. tyler had his books in his lap and used them to prop his elbows up in order to hold his face in his hands. he was embarrassed. he imagined the looks he was given as his peers walked by. it wouldn't be a new sight for them, tyler has gotten overwhelmed to tears multiple times. luckily he has jenna to help.

"i know, i know, bubs. do you wanna hug?" she stroked his back and soothed him. tyler opened his eyes and let his palms rest on his lap. too ashamed to look up, he kept his clouded focus on the floor. after making out the shapes behind his tears, someone else was here. he looked up expecting the same counselor as always.

"hi there, ty,"
it was josh. tyler felt the hot tears pooling in his eyes. of course it had to be josh, he though he could've just died then and there. he barried his red tear stained face into his palms once again. josh got on one knee, wanting to be at eye level with the boy.

"it's alright, it's alright, hey, hey, hey, shhh," he tried his best to soothe the boy. if anyone were to hear josh now, it would sound like he was cooing a baby. which in some ways josh thought he was.

"we just wanna know what's wrong and how we can help, okay?" tyler peaked at josh from in between his finger tips.

"see? that's it. it's alright, don't be embarrassed." tyler thought of how hard josh and jenna had tried to get him to feel better. he revealed his face once again, he felt his hands shake out of anxiousness. josh looked at him and examined him. josh had never seen tyler this closely.

"that's better, hm?" josh reached out for the younger boy's trembling hands. he held them firmly in his much larger ones, letting his thumb trace circles over the small boys palms.

"i-i-i'm s-sorry."  the younger boy's voice broke as stuttered out the soft sentence. josh's heart broke right then and there. jenna had an sorrow look oh her face. she wanted to help him as much as he's helped her, always.

"baby, you have nothing to be sorry for. you're doing such a great job right now, okay?"  she let a soft smiled pop up. she knew being too serious would make tyler feel like his parent were talking to him. he smiled weakly bad at her and squeezed josh's hands as a way to let him know he didn't mind it.

"w-we s-s-should g-go home, j-jen." he looked toward jenna and sadly back at josh. tyler knew how excited he seemed earlier compared to how this turn of events had played out.

"the buses are long gone by now. my house is just a quick block from here. i'll get you two there and give you a ride home." jenna thought over the proposed idea. it wasn't bad. she knew tyler was weak and exhausted from crying, she wasn't sure about him walking. she leaned over to whisper her concerns to josh, who was now sitting on the floor just as jenna was.

"that's fine, i'll just carry him." josh spoke out loud with a grin on his face that made earned a giggle from tyler. josh squeezed his palms and smiled back at him. tyler curious about their plan but he didn't mind as long as jen and josh were there.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

whew ! this chapter hit for me. i hope it didn't run on for too too long :^( i wanted to let you guys in tylers perspective a bit more and learn about him and his struggles. mental health plays such a big role in our lives and i hope you're all taking care of yourselves!!! i also hope you all enjoy this chapter, especially if any of it relates to you i'm gonna get some rest, i hope you have been doing that too ! 💓

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