𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯.

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seeing joshua angry was scary.
he was already so strong and big, tyler could only imagine what josh would say to him after school. being ignored hurts, especially when you really want to talk to your person, tyler prepared for the walked out of the school with jenna.

"ty, just talk to him." jenna sighed, walking alongside tyler.

"i-i can't, i th-think i should let him calm d-down."

"he was mad at mr. bent, not you." jenna turned around, now walking backwards to face tyler.

"d-don't look at me l-like that."

"why? because you know i'm right. look at me and tell me you aren't avoiding him."

"jen," tyler's baby pink strawberry converse shuffled to a stop. tyler looked down in slight guilt, avoiding jenna's face. "i j-jus' don't wanna ruin o-our good memories, n-not yet."
tyler let out a soft sniffle, bringing his sweater paws to his nose.

"oh, bub-"

"hey, guys!" before jenna could embrace tyler a voice boomed from the parking lot at the front of the school. "guess who doesn't have school for one whole week!"

it was josh.
his walk turned into a slight jog and he caught up the to duo.

"hey josh, what's up."
jenna turned her back to tyler, in attempts to allow him to gather himself, and smiled toward josh, offering her hand out to him.

"nothin' much, apparently i'm gonna be doing nothing much for the next week or two. depends on how long mr. boomer wants my expulsion to be."

josh strained his eyes looking behind jenna, noticing tyler. the soft sniffles gave away how tyler was feeling. josh didn't say a word, only mouthed a few words to jenna; is he okay?
there was a pure look of concern on his face as jenna shook her head and turned back around.

"hey, bubble, look who's here."
jenna whispered softly, holding one of tyler's small hands. tyler used his spare hand to shield his flushed, tear stained face.


"hey, it's okay. i get it, we all have our days. we've done a lot lately, he can take a break from me or whatever's bugging him."

josh jammed his hands in his pockets awkwardly. he wanted nothing more than to kiss tyler's forehead and reassure him that it was okay.

"i-if it's something i did, let me know, okay? i'll see you later then."

"bye, josh."
jenna gave him a half smile before he walked back to his shiny pick up.

"i-i'm sorry. n-now i made h-him sad."
tyler only whispered into jenna's shoulders.

"i know, you're okay, you did nothing wrong. let's go home, yeah?"

they walked down the parking lot near the road to jenna's house. it was quiet besides the rustling trees welcoming the beginning of fall. they didn't need to talk, their dynamic was too strong for awkward, dense air. they could walk alongside each other without a word, only enjoying each other's company.


tyler dumped his pink backpack beside his shoes and slumped himself over a massive teddy bear, mr. bear, that sat up on his bed.

"t-think he's mad at me, m-mr. bear."

there was no response from the plush bear.

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