𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦.

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dear diary,

joshie is the bestest boy in the whole world !!! he's so handsome and so so pretty and so strong !! he's sweet and his laugh is so so big just like his voice. so so loud and deep and so manly he's dreamy dreamy ! even his teeth is pretty and his hair is so pretty wow wow. hes so charming and i even think he cares about me the other day he bought me an ice cream and we got our whole entire project done!!! i feel really really super duper little around him too lots of the time. he just makes me feel so safe and comfy i like to call him daddy in my head. i want josh to be my daddy and be with me when im little :(( i miss him but he's gonna pick me up soon! i gotta get pretty for joshie now, bye bye !

- ty ty

tyler had always made sure to write in his diary at least once a day. starting two years ago, each page had been almost identical. two years ago, when he met josh. one page after another had been a symphony of admiration and pure fondness for josh. they were going to hang out at josh's again for their first ever sleepover. the two boys had become so very close over the span of a few weeks. they had hung out almost everyday and if they didn't, they'd call each other and used up each second they could get their hands on. they shared their lunches together with jenna at school and it wasn't a school project if those two weren't working together. they were attached at the hip. everyone knew they were best friends. wherever tyler was josh was sure to follow and vice versa. today was one of the many days the two would be together. josh loved having tyler over but today was special. today was their first sleepover ever. it would last all weekend while josh's mother was out of town for a wedding and josh took the opportunity to be alone with tyler. an abrupt ringtone broke his thought.

'tyler !!' appeared on his screen with a smaller picture of the boy as his contact photo. josh didn't hesitate to answer.

"h-hi joshie! you're s-still c-coming, r-right? what, what a-are you d-doing? y-you can't b-be on t-the p-phone 'nd drive! 's n-not safe!"

josh smiled instantly, he loved hearing tyler's voice. a part of him felt warm knowing that tyler was concerned for him.

"i'm alright, see? my eyes are on the road, i promise." it was true. josh had the phone on his lap, opened to their facetime. "i'll be there soon, i was actually thinking we could go to the store and stock up on junk food together."

tyler gleamed, he felt just as warm knowing that josh was putting some thought into their next few days together. tyler didn't waste a second doing the same. he was prepared with his favorite outfits, coloring books and face masks for the boys to try together. tyler also brought a sort of personal backpack, a little bag. the soft pink hello kitty backpack was stuffed inside with his soft elephant plushie, mr. smudge, his diary and something special. what was wearable or unwearable never phased tyler. he chose his outfits judging them on how pretty he thought they were and would then wear it. it never bothered him, he liked the colors, patterns and shapes of each skirt, shirt or dress that he owned. tyler kept this same mentality when jenna taught him all about lingerie. tyler wore lingerie mostly when he wanted to feel pretty for himself. jenna had normalized the idea of lingerie. he was tought that people wear it to feel pretty and tyler did that on an every day basis. baby tyler didn't see anything wrong with wearing it with jenna so why would it be bad to show josh? he neatly folded the soft fabric and placed it in his backpack, making sure it was secure.

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