𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯.

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"h-he kissed me, jenna, he k-kissed me! can you believe it?"

tyler had been away from jenna for far too long. the longest they had gone without speaking was a week, a weekend without her felt like an eternity. even over the phone, her voice responding back to him in real time, he missed her.

"of course i can, bub. you deserve it."

"he makes me so, so, so happy! he's so dreamy, jenna. gosh, he's such a gentleman,"

tyler could've gone on and on about his dream boy, but truthfully, he missed jenna and wanted to talk to her about things other than himself.

"b-but! my bestest f-friend is better and i m-miss her. l-lots."

"i miss you, ty but don't have to feel bad about not hanging out either. bub, trust me, i get it. i was the same way when em rolled around."

emma was jenna's girlfriend. they'd been together for a long time, jenna knew everything about dating.

"h-hopefully me 'nd j-joshie can be like y-you and em." his voice turned into a whisper. "what if he j-just wants me for, uh, only p-playing?"

"he's a good guy but you can never be too sure, men suck."

joshua was downstairs getting a pizza from the front door. that didn't stop tyler from worrying that their phone call would be heard. tyler knew about sex. to be honest, knowing in a colossal overstatement. he knew the little of whatever jenna told him freshman year. they had an entire conversation out of it. tyler remembered the list of rules jenna had told him about sex:

'don't play with other boys that are older than you.'

'don't listen to anyone if they ask you about sex, if someone does you tell me straight away.'

'sex is a bad word, don't say it. only jenna can.'

jenna had a long list of rules, but tyler tried to understand why. he knew that grown up things were scary, he was lucky that he had someone like jenna to warn him about them.

'so no, um, playing with other boys?'

'yes exactly, no playing with anyone unless you know you love them. don't let anyone take advantage of you.'

she knew tyler couldn't yet grasp these words. he was so sheltered inside his own sweet world, sex was never on his mind let alone the possibility of someone trying to take advantage of him.


"hey, tiny. you hungry?"

the smooth, deep voice slipped into the room, accompanied by two square pizza boxes and two caprisuns.

"gotta g-go love y-you, bye!" tyler blurted and abruptly slammed him phone into the soft padded bed.

"who was that, your boyfriend?"

tyler gleamed his soft blush. rosy red had became his natural shade when he was with josh.

"n-nuh uh! jus' j-jenna."

josh set the boxes on the bed, handing tyler a caprisun.

"it's strawberry kiwi,"

he smiled softly and sat against the headboard, facing tyler who only smiled and blushed in response.

"eat up, okay? if you're hungry later we can head out for a snack but, i doubt that you'd wanna stay up late."

"i-i can stay u-up late! i' done it l-lots of t-times!"

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