𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯.

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"j-jenna ! h-he's so, so, d-dreamy! oh, g-gosh i want h-him to, to h-hug and g-gimme a b-big, b-big, big squishy b-bear hug!" tyler barried his flushed face into one of the many pillows that rested on her bed.

"i know you do, bub." she said flipping through the pages of a magazine. she decided it would be cute to make dream boards with tyler. at this point, it was just her.
"if you come over here and make on of these fucking dream boards, your dreams won't come true. only mine will and then we'll both have to live in one mansion instead of having two." tyler crossed his arms, closed his eyes and tried hard not to grin, and failed.

"well, i l-love you s-so i d-don't mind living with you in your dream world." he remained in the same stance and let out a huff.

"well, guess what? my dream mansion isn't pink and josh won't be allowed inside."

tyler opened his eyes and sat up quickly.

"w-why no j-joshie."

"you're the only boy allowed in. i'm lesbian, remember?"

"o-oh yeahs." there was a small pause while the boy weighed out his options. "okie, okie, i-i'll help b-because i l-love you."

"love you, too, tyler"

"i'm r-really, r-really happy t-that it's f-friday. t-that's jenna day!" jenna laughed

"jenna day?"

"y-yeah! s-sleepover day! m-maybe one d-day i c-can even h-have a s-sleepover with j-joshie."

"mhm, that will have to wait though."

"h-how come?"

"virgin tyler is funny, you won't squirm at sex jokes after you and josh have had it."

"jenna! y-yucky, y-yucky, g-gross, g-gross."
tyler could act as disgusted as possible but he had dreamed about josua being intimate with him. so many things about josh were, exciting, to tyler. tyler seemed like an innocent angel but  he loved the thought of sex. he couldn't wait until it would finally be his turn with someone he loved.

*ring, ring*

it was tyler's phone. it was a contact he didn't remember ever making. 'joshie'.

"joshie? h-how does h-he..?"

"i gave him your number while you were asleep."


"pick up up, pick up!" she jumped onto the best beside tyler while he tapped and answered the phone on the bed and put it on speaker.


"h-hi, josh."

"sorry that this is unexpected, jenna gave me your number and i was wondering when you wanted to work on the project. we can call or facetime, whatever works for you, okay?"

"i-i'm s-sorry about t-today. y-you prolly wanted t-to work o-on your project, i'm s-sorry." josh felt his heart break on the other line.

"hey, hey, no, no, no. it's alright, that wasn't your fault, ty. besides, people end up rescheduling things all the time, it's okay."

"do, y-you p-promise?"

"i promise."

"d-do you w-wanna come t-to my h-house tomorrow? t-then that w-way w-we can w-work."

"i'd love to."

the boys hung up and agreed to text each other time and details. tyler was over the moon, his began heart swell. somewhere a few streets down, josh had felt the same way. cupid planted an arrow straight into josh's heart.

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