ZEYU | Young Love | Pt. 2

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ZEYU | Young Love | Pt. 2

it's been 2 weeks. 2 weeks. 14 days. 332 hours. 201600 minutes. 9209600 seconds. that's how long it's been since the ships started. and it hasn't ended yet.

as a matter of fact, it's only bigger.

so, for an unknown reason, or for a known reason, JYP has called Zeyu, Shuyang, and you into his office. so, Zeyu and Shuyang had to come all the way from China. they're lucky they had a busking this week here. but you had a scene to shoot today!

you were in a famous girl band, working 3 shows, you're an MC, you have a clothing line, a makeup line, you have a vlogging channel, and you're pulling some money together to make a big shop for Angels in Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, and even in America! you didn't really have time for many things. but, you were a workaholic.

"Zeyu, Shuyang, and
Y/N." JYP said. there was a man right next to him who translated to them "yes, sir?" you all said "do you know why you're here today?" he asked "no, sir." you all said

"we're here today... because you 3 have made total chaos. we thought it would be like any other ships. but they weren't!" he said "it reached on trending, many people commented everywhere, many complainants, a lot of people barged in, saying 'Y/YuOrY/Yang!' everywhere!" he laughed. you 3 looked at each other, confused and scared.

"oh, did I forget to tell you? you're not in trouble." he said which made all of you sigh in relief.

"although, I need you guys to make a video on all of your accounts. meaning, you, Zeyu and Shuyang, need to post on Boystory official, or on weibo. and you, Y/N, need to post on Angels Wings, Y/N/N official, or on weibo." you guys nodded. Shuyang raised his hand

"umm... may I ask, how come Y/N and them get an individual account, but we can't?" he asked "well... because you guys never asked. but, if you want to, come here later and set it up with me. just not now." they excitedly nodded and smiled

the 5 of them in there heard screaming and shouting and running. Zeyu, Shuyang, and Y/N looked at each other worried. "w-what was that?" she asked "that,
Y/N, are the fans that ship Y/Yu or Y/Yang." JYP said "but, don't worry, the security will get them out." they nodded

"I guess we better go post it quick." Zeyu gulped "come on, let's go to the practice room." Shuyang said. they followed him.

"so, what do we say?" you asked "umm... something like 'I'm so glad to be hanging out with my friends~" Zeyu said, emphasizing the word "friends"

"I'm just gonna tweet." you said "It's so much more easier."

"done." you smiled "What did you put?" Shuyang asked "thank you so much, Zeyu and Mingrui for the best day today! it was so fun, I'll make sure to pay for your food next time! I'm really grateful to have 2 friends like you guys!" you repeated the words. they clapped and you bowed "you should be an actress, noona." you cringed

"1. you're not Korean, so you don't really have to call me noona if you don't want to. I personally perfer people not to call me that because it makes me feel old, and it's too formal. 2. I'm not your noona, Shuyang." his eyes widened, "really? sorry." he said. but his eyes brightened up again and he smirked "then call me oppa."

you rolled your eyes "slow your roll boy, you're only 12. and you're Chinese, so, no thank you." Zeyu stopped "but you call Jackson your oppa." you stopped "well- you- that's-" you sighed "that's different." Shuyang smirked "how?" he asked "it just is!" you pouted they looked at each other and laughed

"let's do a live!" Shuyang said "but they take like 30 minutes to set up." Zeyu said. Shuyang pouted "I literally just posted we ate. If we go on a live right now, it'd be suspicious. but a live in like 30 minutes is acceptable. we can just say we decided to hang out after we ate, and we got bored, so we decided to do a live." you explained "aigoo, Y/N, you're so smart." Shuyang praised. you flipped your hair and laughed "I know.

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