Scenario- A Boy Flirting With You

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Scenerio- A Boy Flirting With You

You and you boyfriend had been out all day. You were shopping, going to an amusement park, and just sat down in a park. But, you soon got hungry. You two decided to go to a restaurant. It was comfy and felt home-y. But when a very young boy came and said he was the nephew of the manager, and said he had to work there, he seemed a bit.. too friendly towards you. These were the words he said

"I'm the manager's nephew. I had to work here today, amd I didn't really want to. But now I realize it was a blessing." He looked at you and winked

"And you, lovely, beautiful lady, what would you like today?"

"I can get it free for a pretty girl."

"Make sure to come back. I'll be here again for you."

Of course, your boyfriend was very upset, this is what he did


At first, he'd let it slide. He'd have a scowl and a glare, though. But when he winked at you, Hanyu's blood was hotter than lava. "Excuse me, we ordered food, not you to flirt with my girlfriend." He'd glare "Now please just give us our food and let us enjoy our food alone. As a couple. Because she's mine. No one else's." He would say after. You'd smile and fangirl


At first, he'd have low self-esteem. He though 'Wow. He's better in so many ways.' but after 2 minutes, he realized you had picked him. And you probably wanted him to stand up for you. He cleared his throat and would get his attention. Then he'd say "Excuse me, leave my girlfriend alone please. She's mine. And will always be mine. So keep on dreaming and get us our chili cheese fries so my girlfriend and I can share please. Thank you very much." You'd be kinda scared, honestly. He looked very scary when he's mad.


Ohhhh, this boy would let nothing slide. He would stop it the literal second it started. He'd go over to your booth, put his arm over your shoulder, and kiss you cheek, while staring at the guy. And when he thought you looked away, he'd mouth 'Mine.' while pointing to you. He'd also mouth 'Back off.' You saw all that and tried not to laugh


He would scowl so hard you were honestly worried. He never acted like that. He literally looked like he was steaming. Suddenly, he started yelling "Excuse me, please leave my girlfriend alone! She's with me, not you! She picked me not you! So please leave us alone! Let us live our lives together! Go desperately try to find another girlfriend somewhere else, but not this one! Because she's mine! And she'll never be yours! She likes me, not you! Now get us our food!" He'd yell. The after, he'd feel really bad and apologize to you. You'd smile, tell him it's ok, then thank him for defending you.


The first thing he'd do is scoff. Then he'd roll his eyes "You think I got her with pick up lines? No. Stop flirting with my girlfriend." He'd say. But when that didn't work out, he'd constantly 'cough'. Then, even after that, he'd finally gone to his limit "Alright, bud, I don't appreciate you flirting with my girlfriend. Step away from her, stop talking to her, don't talk to her, don't flirt with her, don't touch her, don't even look at her. Got it?" He'd say. You were a bit surprised, but you didn't say anything. Then when the waiter left, Mingrui would baby you and call you cute, and spoil you like always. You wondered how his emotions could change so fast. But when you left, he put $3 as a tip.


He'd have the worst reaction out of them all. He would be the most mad. He looked reallyyy scary. "Get. Away. From. Her." He'd say. That would work the first time. But after his continued flirts, Shuyang would 'accidentally' drop something, making a loud noise, and say "That's it. You do this again, and you won't be able to walk or even talk." He'd kiss you right on your lips and say "She's mine." Then he'd grab your hand and storm out of there. "We're never going here again. Let's get some McDonald's." He'd say, smiling at you. You would giggle at him

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