XINLONG | More? | Pt. 3

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XINLONG | More? | Pt. 3

You smiled, walking to class. You had brang an umbrella- just in case. You didn't know it was gonna rain last time so... Y'know...

You skipped to class, entering it. Your phone buzzed

Kai ♥️

Kai ♥️
Y/N~ I have a big surprise for you today~

Oooh~ What is it?

Kai ♥️
You're just gonna have to wait and see 😝🙊👉👈

Oh, come on~! I don't like surprises~! Tell me!

Kai ♥️
Nope. No amount of your aegyo will work on me this time

Oh, come on! Fine.

Kai ♥️
I'm sorry. Gtg. TTYL ❤️


You sighed. You hated surprises with a burning passion. Everyone knew that.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Zeyu asked. "I have a friend, Huening Kai, you know him, right?" You asked. He nodded "The dude that every girl wants his number." You nodded "He told me he had a surprise." His eyes widened "But he said I have to wait for it." You pouted

He nodded "Y'know, I think he likes you." You choked on your saliva "W-WHAT?!

"You don't think so? The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, when everyone wanted his number, but he only wanted yours." Zeyu said. I shook my head "No way would he like me! He couldn't." I said.

Xinlong entered the classroom. "Hi, Long Long!" I smiled at him. He looked at me but quickly looked away. I sighed again. "I don't know what's up with him. It's like he hates me or something." I said

"Well, I know one person who does like you." Zeyu smirked "Who?" I asked "Uh... Kai." He said "No he doesn't." I said. Or.... Does he? No... He wouldn't like me. Or... No. No, no.

Zeyu and I had talked until Mingrui came in. My heart flashed with pain as I saw he was laughing with a girl
"Y/N, don't worry. It's probably nothing." Zeyu reassured me

"Yeah... Probably." I said "Alright class! Let's begin!" The teacher, Mrs. Chen said as she entered the room. Zeyu sat in the seat behind me. Xinlong would usually sit next to me, but he moved when he started hating me.

Not gonna lie, it hurts. Really bad. It's triple the pain I feel when I see Mingrui with a girl. But, I will never let anyone know. It really hurts because Xinlong is actually my long time crush. But anymore, but I used to have a huge crush on him. He politely shut me down, though. Then Mingrui came a bit after I wanted to get over him. Maybe... 3 months? 2 months after Mingrui came, I started having feelings for him.

"Actually, class, I have news for you. Drum roll, please." She smiled. The class started lightly banging on the desks, making a rhythm similar to drums. "We are..." The class started banging louder

"Getting a transfer student today!" She smiled

The class jumped in joy, becoming loud. We rarely had transfer students. It was kind of a surprise. I wonder who it is.

"He should be coming in... 5 or 6 minutes." Mrs. Chen announced "Wait... He?! We're getting a boy?!" The girls squealed. I saw Xinlong's eyes glance over to me. I had a bright smile in my face

"Oh! He's actually on his way right now." The girls started frantically cleaning themselves up while the boys... Well, they were normal. "Class, be on your best behavior. Make him feel welcome." Mrs. Chen said

A soft knock was heard coming from the door. The girls looked at each other. A boy had walked in. He looked very familiar. And very handsome.

He had turned all the way to face us. My jaw was open. He smiled at me. I swear, I saw a little smirk in there

"Guys, This is Huening Kamal Kai." Mrs. Chen smiled "Call me Kai." He said. The girls whispered, obviously excited "Okay, Kai. You have 3 choices. Sit next to Y/N, Minghao, or Fengfang." Mrs. Chen said

Kai waisted no time and sat right next to me. I smiled at him, him doing the same. "So this I your little surprise, Kai?" I asked. He smirked "I guess it is."

"Alright, stop flirting!" Zeyu yelled from the back. I heard a scoff. My eyes wandered to the noise. Xinlong. I furrowed my eyebrows. What does he want? Suddenly I get a new friend, and now he cares if he's replaced?

"Y/N, Kai, do you two know each other?" Mrs. Chen asked. I was about to say something when Kai cut me off "Yes, Mrs. Chen. We're great friends. We met about 2 months ago." He said

"Oh, really? No wonder you looked eager to sit next to her." She said "Alright, then, Y/N, I suppose you wouldn't mind showing Kai around the school and helping him, then?" She asked

"Of course, Mrs. Chen! I'd love to!" I smiled. "Sound a little too excited, don't you, Y/N?" Zeyu whispered to me "Be quiet, Xiao Yu." I blushed. He giggled. I raised my hand "Yes, Mrs. Y/L/N?" Mrs. Chen asked

"Where's Kai's schedule?" I asked "Oh! Right! Thanks,
Y/N. You really keep track." She laughed "Here." She handed it to Kai. I looked at it "대박!" I said (Daebak!) "Awesome!/Wow!) "당신은 나와 같은 일정이 있습니다!" I said in Korean (dangsin-eun nawa gat-eun iljeong-i issseubnida!) (You have the same schedule as me!)

He looked at me, amazed. "한국어에 유창한가요? 몰랐어요." He smiled (hangug-eoe yuchanghangayo? mollass-eoyo) (Fluent in Korean, huh? Didn't know that.) I smirked "나는 실제로 세 가지 언어를 알고 있습니다. 영어, 한국어 및 중국어." I said. His eyes widened (naneun siljelo se gaji eon-eoleul algo issseubnida. yeong-eo, hangug-eo mich jung-gug-eo) (I actually know three languages. English, Korean, and Chinese.)

"나도 알아 하 와이어, 한국어 및 중국어." He said. (nado al-a ha waieo, hangug-eo mich jung-gug-eo) (I know three, too. Hawaiian, English, and Chinese.) "그때 멀지 않은. 당신은 나 같아요." I looked at him (geuttae meolji anh-eun. dangsin-eun na gat-ayo) (Not far from me then. You're like me.)

"Yeah. Not far at all." He said in English, smirked, and looked at me. I smirked at him back

"That's disgusting. Is that what flirting is? Gosh, keep it to yourselves." Zeyu gagged. I rolled my eyes

"Guys, you have 10 minutes free time! We're doing a test today! Go on your phone, do whatever you want for 10 minutes, because for the next 35 minutes you will be taking a test. You may choose 5 of your 8 notes out." The class cheered

"But you cannot talk." She said "That's fair." A kid said "You may whisper to ask for a pencil, paper, pen, or something useful and relevant to the test, but nothing more." She said

The class had gotten quieter and I was just talking to Zeyu and Kai. They ended up bonding with each other in three minutes. They found something they relate to.

Everyone thinks they're sweet when they're actually manly inside. I laughed when the subject came up. I looked over at Xinlong and he was already looking at me. But he looked away. I sighed. When is he going to forgive me for whatever I did?

Wait... I don't care if he forgives me.

"Y/N..." Zeyu said "Yeah?" I asked "Do you have cards?" He asked "No." I said. He pouted "Okay..."

"Why?" I asked "Because I wanted to show him what speed is..." He said "Oh... Sorry.." I said. He smiled "It's okay! It's not your fault!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. How can someones emotions and expressions change so quickly?

The teacher then announced we were having our tests.

And for the rest of the day, I didn't even think about Xinlong.

Because I was with Kai.

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