Ch. 14

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You wake up the next morning and rush to the bathroom to look at yourself in the mirror. Your face is streaked with dried tears, your hair a mess, and sand was still covering parts of your body.

You take a quick shower to rinse off the sand and fix your hair. When you finish dressing, you head out to the living room. You feel that something's missing though.

You look at the couch. Empty. The guest room's bed. Empty as well. Your room. Nothing. Loki was gone. You quickly grab your keys and drive towards the city.

You arrive half an hour later and drive around, looking everywhere for Loki.

And then you see them. The Avengers. The courageous defenders of our world. You recognize all of them. Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, and Hawkeye.

And across from them,

the man you thought you knew.


You park your car nearby and sneak into an alleyway to hear their conversation.

Thor speaks up. "Brother, by the will of Odin, stop this villainy!" Loki laughs. "What 'villainy' brother?" Loki responds using air quotes.

"Don't act like you don't know how much trouble you've caused!" Tony shouts. "You've killed hundreds of innocent people in a matter of days and for what? Prancing about and acting like you're a king?!"

Loki holds up a finger. "For one, I haven't done that much damage. You all are fine. For the other, I am a king."

The Avengers all rush at him all at once and he dodges most of their attacks. Steve only manages to get one hit in. With his shield. On Loki's face.

Loki staggers backwards and touches his fingertips to his top lip. He looks at his fingertips. Blood. "Congratulations Captain. You hit me." Loki says with a fake smile before kicking Steve in his abdomen.

While Loki fights Tony, Clint aims at Loki from higher up. You notice, but you can't run onto the scene and warn him. Instead, you climb up the building Clint is on and sneak up behind him.

Obviously that doesn't work. Clint whirls around to face you, bow and arrow still primed and ready to fire. "Who are you and why are you here?" He asks you. You raise your hands up in surrender.

"I'm a citizen. I was just walking by, saw what was happening, and thought I'd be safer up here and, aren't you Hawkeye?" You ask, your fangirl mode activated.

"Yes, that would be me..." Clint says warily. "Can I please have an autograph? That would be amazing!" You say, handing him a piece of paper and a pen. You step closer pretending to watch him sign it.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You repeat in your head. Please forgive me. In one swift move, you place your hands on his shoulders, knee him in the abdomen, pull him back up by his hair and punch him in the face.

He goes unconscious and you catch him before he falls to the ground and you gently set him down. You rush up to the building's edge and hide behind the barrier on the roof.

You peek up just a little bit to see what's happening below. Tony and Banner had both disappeared. Steve had been pulled behind a car, still knocked out, Natasha trying to wake him up while Thor handled Loki.

You couldn't hear much of their conversation. But Loki said something that stopped Thor from attacking him. Thor instead flew off to...somewhere.

You see Natasha leave Steve's side and make her way towards Loki. When she gets close enough, she gets a running start and then she makes her move.

She aims for his stomach. Blocked. His face. Blocked. Every move Natasha made, Loki blocked it. She moved faster and faster, combining punches and kicks and only getting a few in.

You see her pull out a dagger and she thrusts it at Loki's neck, but he grabs her wrist, stopping her from doing so.

As Natasha strains to regain the upper hand, you notice a knife appear in Loki's hand, seemingly out of thin air. You want to say something. To scream. To warn her. But you know it's best you don't.

You watch in horror as Loki pulls her wrist towards him and stops with the handle of her dagger near his ear. He says something, and then stabs her in the side. Natasha cries out in pain.

In hearing so, you see Steve rush to Natasha's side as she collapses. You watch her painfully pull the knife out and Loki...walks away.

He was headed back towards the apartment. You had to get home. Fast. You quickly leave the building and get to your car. You drive home, hoping that your car is faster than his walking.

You park the car in your usual spot and fly up the stairs. You reach your apartment and quickly grab the remote, turn on the TV and plop down on the couch, acting as though you've been there the entire time.

Loki comes in shortly after. "Where have you been?" You ask him as he's halfway in the apartment. "I went to get us some drinks," He says, revealing his other hand, which held a drink carrier with two Starbucks drinks.

Damn. He covered for himself. Okay, go along with it and then act. You tell yourself. You put on a smile. "Well aren't you quite the gentleman?" You say as you grab your drink from the carrier.

Loki chuckles as he grabs his own drink and goes to sit next to you. Now. He sits to your right and begins to place his hand around your shoulders but you stop him. "What are you doing?" You ask, pushing his arm away.

"Natalie, is something the matter?" He asks leaning in. You lean away from him. "Yeah. Everything's just fine." You state sarcastically. Loki reaches over and snatches the remote. He shuts the TV off and turns to you.

"Natalie, what in Odin's name is going on with you?" He asks worriedly. You scoff. "Yeah, like you don't know." You say, rolling your eyes. "What? Am I supposed to?" He replies. Perfect. Keep going.

"I don't know, are you supposed to know that you're a villain and you fought the Avengers this morning?!" You exclaim, your anger and frustration building up. "Are you supposed to know that you caused Captain America to go UNCONSCIOUS?!" You continue.

"Are you supposed to know that you STABBED Black Widow and somehow made the other three disappear into thin air WITHOUT LAYING A SINGLE SCRATCH ON YOU?!" You say, practically yelling at this point.

"And finally, are you supposed to know that Hawkeye WAS SUPPOSED TO SHOOT YOU WITH AN ARROW AND IF IT WASN'T FOR ME AND MY DAMN FEELINGS FOR YOU, YOU WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW!" You scream, tears that you didn't even know were streaming down your face fell to the floor.

Then your mind puts a plan into action, even though you knew you were going to regret it. You grab your keys and bag and stand near the door. "Goodbye Loki," you say, your voice breaking and tears falling down your face.

Before he can react, you shut the door and make your way to your car. Once there, you close the car roof, so Loki can't get in. As you reverse out of your parking spot, you see Loki stop at the bottom of the stairs. He looks at you as you drive by and away and you were sure that you saw tears in his eyes.

~♡ Miki

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