Ch. 15

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You drive through the streets of New York, tears running down your cheeks, never stopping. They just kept coming.

You left for a reason.

A good reason.

He lied to you.

Fooled you.

Made you think he was nothing more than a stranger who helped you open the door to a closed Starbucks.

You thought he was a good person.

Turns out you were wrong.

And you fell for him.

You couldn't fight it, couldn't resist it.

Couldn't resist him.

In the end, it was all a lie.

You called the apartment complex you used to live in while you were stopped at a red light. You notified them that you were moving to a new apartment and would no longer be staying there.

You reach your new apartment complex, and it was in the city this time. You checked in with the clerk at the front desk and are given a key.

You take the stairs to your new apartment. You open the door and find it's bigger than your old one, but in the same format. You make one more call to a moving company to move your stuff from your old apartment.

There was no way you were going back there.

No way you were risking seeing him again.

Not after what he did.

One hour later, all of your stuff from your old apartment arrives at your new one. It takes you a good hour and a half to decorate your new apartment.

You look around and realize you decorated it exactly like your old apartment. You turn around and see the couch. The endless nights you and Loki spent there, just looking into each other's eyes.

You turn to the kitchen and remember the countless times Loki would scare you from behind. You laugh a little to yourself through the tears you didn't realize were falling down your face.

You enter your bedroom and brush your fingertips along your bed, remembering the lonely feeling you had, sleeping alone, so you had moved to the couch to sleep next to Loki.

You're suddenly overcome with sadness and you spend the rest of the day curled up in bed crying.

Because you realized just how much you missed him.

~♡ Miki

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