Ch. 27

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You quickly get in and Loki sits down in the pilot's seat. You give him an uneasy look,and he gives you a small smile, jerking his head lightly to motion for you to come sit with him. You sit down in his lap and his arms guard you on each side as he grabs the controls and starts the ship up. He maneuvers the ship under the  Ark, with a large crowd of Asgardians still piling on board. He flies back up and towards Asgard's golden palace. "This is madness," He mutters under his breath. He turns up the speed of the ship and lands before the palace. You get off of him and he takes your hand, leading you inside the grand building. He pulls you along as he masterfully maneuvers around the palace, making turn after turn, until you reach a flight of stairs heading down.

You go down the steps warily, and enter the dark-colored vault. You glance at a few of the items inside. Loki comes down the stairs after you and he rushes toward a charred skull, with you in tow. He picks it up and starts toward toward the end of the vault, stopping momentarily at a small, glowing blue cube. You seem to recognize it from just can't recall where. You gently shake Loki's arm through your interlocked hands. "Loki." You say gently. He blinks, as if coming out of a trance. "R-right." He stutters, walking towards a birdbath-like stand with a flame inside. You peer closely at it, wondering how it still flickers with life without any fuel. No wood, no charcoals, nothing. "It's the Eternal Flame, love. It doesn't need wood." Loki smirks, as if he just read your mind. He places the skull in the Eternal Flame, taking a step back afterwards. He holds his hands out, palms facing up, bent at the elbow. You watch him in curiosity. "With the Eternal Flame, you are reborn.."

He steps back even more as the skull  a bright red as it starts lifting itself up, growling. "Come, we have to go. Now." He pushes you forward lightly and you start off jogging, and going up the steps two at a time. You reach the top and wait for Loki, who comes out after you a couple seconds later. He leads you back through the hallways by memory and out the front gates. You both climb in the ship, and you don't mind sitting in your own seat this time, due to your current situation. 

Loki starts the ship up and flies up towards the Ark, which is now safely retreating away from the battle. He lands the ship gently inside one of the Ark's ship bays and you get off. You walk into one of the hallways, and turn into a room you had found earlier and claimed as yours. Loki follows you in, and kicks the door shut with his heel, grabbing you by the shoulders and spinning you around, pushing you against the door, making you squeal in surprise. "Hello." Loki smirks at you, his face inches from yours. "Hi." You reply, smiling softly at him. He leans in to kiss you and you oblige gladly, wrapping your arms around his neck. He lifts you up and the door supports your back as he nuzzles your neck, leaving soft kisses all over. "We're alive." He murmurs, continuing to attend to your neck. "We are," You smile, kissing his head. Loki moves back upward and starts to nibble on your ear. You both hear thudding footsteps just outside the door, in the hallway. You cover your mouth in an attempt not to make any sound, but a quiet moan escapes your lips, despite your efforts. The footsteps continue, without a pause. Loki sets you back down gently. "Those were my brother's footsteps if I ever heard them," He smirks. "Stay right here, I'll pay him a little visit."


Thor studies himself in the mirror. His wounds are bandaged, armor clean, and his eye cleaned and covered with a patch. He stands there for a moment, as if he's still getting used to his new look. "It suits you," I say from where I was behind him, standing by the door. Thor turns towards me. "Maybe you're not so bad after all, brother." He says to me. "Maybe not." I reply, a hint of a smile on my face. "Thank you," Thor says, picking up a soap dish and fiddling with it in his hands. "If you were here, I might even give you a hug." He throws the dish at me and I catch it in my hand, smiling at him. "I'm here,"


You wait patiently in the room, glancing around it for the 6th time before Loki steps in and your head perks up. "Come, our new king has made his entrance," Loki says, offering you his hand. You take it and you both walk out onto the main deck. You walk around the large crowd of Asgardians and stand near the front, where Heimdall, Korg, Miek, Valkyrie, Hulk, and a few other gladiators are, with Thor seated at the middle, facing the front of the ship. "So," Heimdall speaks. "King of Asgard," Thor turns around in his throne to look at the Asgrdians. He lifts a hand and waves at them a little awkwardly. "Where to?" Heimdall asks him. Thor looks up at him. "I'm not sure.." He then looks to the others surrounding him at the front. "Any suggestions?" Loki turns his attention to Thor, from where he was facing the front. No one answers and there is silence for a moment. "Miek?" Thor leans forward to look at the creature that Korg was holding. "Where are you from?" Korg looks at Thor. "Oh, Miek's dead." Korg says. "Oh," Thor murmurs. "Yeah, I accidentally, uh, stomped on him on the bridge. I've just felt so guilty I've been carrying him around all day." 

At that moment, Miek wriggles awake, as if he were just sleeping. "Oh, Miek, you're alive! He's alive guys!" Korg turns to Thor. "What was your question again, bro?" Thor just turns his head towards the front again. "Earth it is."


A little while later, you, Thor, and Loki stand at a different part of the ship, with a large window looking out into space. Loki stands beside Thor, and you stand beside Loki, holding his hand. "Do you really think it's a good idea to go back to Earth?" Loki asks, turning to his brother. "Yes, of course. The people of Earth love me, I'm very popular." Thor says naturally. Loki sighs, his brother obviously not understanding what he's getting at. You squeeze Loki's hand reassuringly. "Let me rephrase that." Loki says, rocking back on his heels. "Do you really think it's a good idea to bring me back to Earth?" Thor looks at Loki. "Probably not, to be honest." He sighs, facing the window again. "But I wouldn't worry brother, I feel like everything's going to work out fine." Thor replies calmly. You catch a glimpse of something starting to float up from the view of the window. You gently, yet urgently, nudge Loki. He looks at you and then you point to the window, revealing a much larger ship, rising into view. It shadows the window and all three of you look up as it continues to rise, it's massive shape dwarfing the Ark.

(A/N: sorry guys but you already know what's coming..)

x Miki

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