Ch. 24

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You wake up the next morning to find you slept in. Your turn on your side to Loki is.  You get up and walk around the room, looking in every possible hiding spot. "Loki?" You call. No response. You quickly change out of your dress and into something more comfortable as you exit the room, speed walking through the multicolored hallways. Red and white. Left turn. Right turn. Yellow and white. Straight. Right turn. Purple and white. Up some stairs. Left turn. Left turn. You stop at the beginning of a green and white hallway at the sight of two familiar figures and one unfamiliar figure. The two are Thor and Banner, and the one is a woman, significantly shorter than Thor.

You step back behind a corner and watch them talk for a few seconds. Then the woman inputs a code to the room nearest to them. You peer closely and manage to get the approximate loacations of where she typed. They enter and the door closes. You go up to the door and put in the pin, and it opens immediately. All three of them turn to look at you and you look at them each in turn until your eyes finally land on the man at the center. Loki, chained to a chair. You gasp slightly and rush over, crouching next to him. "Are you alright? What happened? Why are you chained to a chair??" You shoot out question after question.

Thor clears his throat and you turn to look at him. "Oh. Sorry." You immediately apologize and take a couple steps back. "I have to say, brother, your lady friend is quite perceptive. She managed to figure out where you were, what the code is for the door, followed us, and all without being noticed. She'd be a good addition to the team." He states. Loki turns to look at you with a smile. "She learned from the best." You bite your lip and blush lightly, suddenly  interested with the floor. Loki turns back to the three. "Can you please release me now?" Loki asks, looking at them with pleading eyes. The woman rolls her eyes before unlocking the chains.

Loki rises and moves to stand next to you. "As long as you two don't suck each other's faces off the entire time, we'll be cool. Got it?" She points a finger at the two of you. You both nod, and you feel Loki's hand grasping for yours. You grab ahold of his hand and squeeze it lightly. "Good." She turns and walks toward her kitchen. You listen in as they discuss a plan, you realize, to leave this planet. As they start to talk about how to leave the planet, Loki cuts in. "I don't mean to impose, but the Grandmaster has a great many ships. I may have even stolen the access codes to his security system." Thor, Banner, and the woman, who you assumed was Valkyrie as Thor had called her a moment ago, all turned to look at him.

Valkyrie raises her hand and hurls an empty bottle at his head. You catch it, holding it at a centimeter from his face. "Astonishing catch, love. You're getting better." Loki comments and you smile, setting the bottle down gently. Valkyrie rolls her eyes. "And suddenly you're overcome with the urge to do the right thing?" She asks, crossing her arms. Loki shakes his head. "Heavens, no. I've run out of favor with the Grandmaster. And in exchange for codes and access to a ship, I'm asking for safe passage...through the anus." You roll your eyes at their choice of wording.

"You're telling us you can get us access into the garage without setting off any alarms?" Thor asks. Loki nods. "Yes, brother. I can." Banner then huddles with. Valkyrie and Thor, but you can still hear their conversation. "Okay, can I just...a quick FYI, I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago, and he was totally ready to kill any of us." Valkyrie nods. "He did try to kill me." You snap your head to look at him. He gives you an apologetic smile and a shrug, as if to say, 'Sorry, but I can't help it.' Thor glances at him them back at Valkyrie and Banner. "Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, 'Yeah, it's me!' And he stabbed me. We were eight, at the time."

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