Ch. 2

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You flop down on your bed exhausted, a million questions racing through your head.

Who was he? What was his name? Why was he so tall? And handsome? Is he single? Wait, no. Why am I thinking that? Ugh, whatever.

You fall asleep within minutes those questions still floating around in your mind.

You wake up the next morning and make a quick trip to Starbucks for your morning coffee. You pull on the door handle but it didn't budge. "Don't tell me it's..." You look to the right to see a 'CLOSED' sign. "Ughhhhhhhh!" You bang your head against the door. Being the average 19 year old, you needed your daily Starbucks.

You turn to go back to your car only to come face to face with a green and black suit.

You look up (weirdly) hoping that it was who you thought it was.

And it is.

The handsome man from yesterday.

"Miss, do you need some help?" He asks you with a gentle tone. "Uh... y-yeah, actually. I...uhm, I needed to get my, uh, coffee, but it's's kinda closed..." You mentally slap yourself at your awkward stammering.

The man laughs. "Ah, humans and their beloved coffee. Stand aside." He pushes you back a little with one arm and with the other pulls out a small knife, seemingly out of thin air. He quickly picks at the lock on the door and it opens, no alarms triggered.

You look at him, impressed. "Well, thank you, Mr....?" "Loki, but please, just call me Loki." You nod as you walk inside. "And you are?" Loki asks as he walks in after you. "Natalie Tomlinson. But please, just call me Natalie." (Feel free to replace it with your name) You say, taking his words. After a second you realize something.

The store was closed. No employees. The corner of your mouth tilts upward as you smirk to yourself. Ah, the joys of irresponsibility. You jump over the counter and grab a cup. You prepare your usual order and sit back on the counter sipping it casually and looking at Loki.

"What is that monstrosity?" Loki asks pointing at your drink. "What? This little thing? Just an Iced Venti Strawberry Acai Refresher." Loki looks at you confused. "A what?" You roll your eyes. "Here I'll make you one. A different one. Try it and see how you like it."

You turn around and set your drink down as you masterfully prepare an Iced Caramel Macchiato. You turn around and find him standing at the counter and you hand it to him.

"And what's this one named? Triple Layered Brown Coffee Thing?" Loki asks jokingly. "No, actually. It's an Iced Caramel Macchiato. Grande size." You state matter-of-factly.

Loki takes a sip cautiously. As he continues taking small sips, you notice an expression of surprise and liking washing over his face.

"So? What do you think?" You ask enthusiastically. "It's...pretty well made. I enjoy this." Loki says, letting a smile grace his features.

After a few minutes, you both walk out of the Starbucks with a few more drinks for later. "So Natalie, what do you do for a living?" Loki asks, looking at you as you walk down the sidewalk. "Well, I- I'm a writer. None of my works have made it big yet, but it works." You say contentedly. "What about you?" You ask, curious.

Loki stops walking. "Me? I..." He looks off into the distance. You wave your hand in front of his face. "Loki!" He blinks rapidly as he is snapped back into reality. "I also write, just as you do. I minor writer, nonetheless." He says.

You eye him suspiciously and look him up and down. "Then what's with the outfit?" Loki looks down at his outfit. "Ah, this. I was just at a convention yesterday morning and when I came back, that attack was happening. I didn't exactly have time to change, you could say." He explains.

Your eyes light up and you smile at him, a plan forming in your mind. "Really? Then you are coming with me." You say, grabbing his wrist and pulling him towards the nearest clothing store.

You speed from clothing rack to clothing rack, sliding through the outfits trying to find the best ones. "No, no, no, no, no, mayyybeee, no, no, ooh yes..." By the time you've covered the whole men's department, you only have 5 outfits slung over you arm.

You hand them to Loki. "Here, try these." He looks from you to the clothes and back again before taking them and stepping into the dressing room. You sit in a chair and wait patiently for Loki to come out with the first outfit.

He comes out a minute later. You look him up and down. "Yeah, I envisioned that differently in my mind. Next." You comment, making a shooing motion for him to change into the next outfit. The next three outfits weren't any better. Either the color wasn't right or it just didn't fit his personality.

"How many are left?" You ask Loki, tired from waiting. "Just one." He responds walking back into the dressing room. "Okay, let's see how this one is." You say as you wait patiently for him to come out.

A few minutes later and he still hasn't come out. You quickly grow impatient. "Lokiiiiiii" you whine. "How much longerrrrrr?" You ask letting your head fall back on the chair as you close your eyes. "Hush, woman. I just have to get this tie on." he responds.

"Well hurry up, I'm getting impatient here!" You complain head still back and eyes still closed. You hear a slight laugh from inside the dressing room. "I could tell," Loki teases.

There's a moment of silence between you and Loki before you hear the door to the dressing room unlock. "Just tell me, how bad is it?" You say, resting your arm on top of your already closed eyes.

"Actually, I think I'll let you be the judge of that," Loki says, waiting for you to look at the outfit. "Fine, but just to let you know, I wasn't so sure about this one. I didn't really think it would look good on you." You say as you remove your arm from your eyes.

"Really? Because I think this looks fantastic on me," Loki comments. Your eyes fly open at the words. You snap your head up to see the outfit. You barely notice your mouth slowly falling open as you stare at the outfit you picked for him.


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"Wow..." you say, covering your mouth. "It looks...really good actually." You say as you admire your work. "It's...perfect!" You say excitedly as you push him back into the dressing room. "Change out of that and give it to me. We're getting that suit."

~♡ Miki

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