Ch. 21

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You slide off the bed and straighten your flowing blue dress. "Shall we?" You ask Loki, holding out your hand. "We shall," he responds with a nod, and you loop your arm through his as you walk out the door.

You arrive at the gala shortly, it being in the same building and all. It's a large rectangular room patterned with purple and white. You weave through the small tables, looking down at the cards for yours and Loki's names. You find your name cards near the front of the large room and you each take your respective seat.

You glance at the front of the room to see the Grandmaster, who walks to the center of the dance floor with a megaphone. "Welcome, honored guests, to the Annual Contest of Champions Gala! I invite all of you to please come onto the floor and enjoy yourselves, for tomorrow, the entertainment begins!"

A round of applause echoes through the room as the Grandmaster walks back to his seat at the front and couples start taking to the dance floor. Loki rises and offers you his hand. "May I have this dance, fair Natalie?" You nod graciously, placing your hand in his.

He leads you to the dance floor and expertly maneuvers you through the dancing couples while leading you through the steps. "Step here, and twirl, curtsey, and place your hand here." Loki says instructively. "Wow, impressive. Little Loki Laufeyson knows how to dance," You tease. "It was...a required knowledge on Asgard," Loki responds.

You smile softly as you effortlessly glide across the dance floor, via Loki's guidance. After a good 15 minutes of dancing, you and Loki take your seats once again to rest. "I forgot to look stunning in that dress Natalie."

You look down and fumble with the fabric of your dress, biting your lip as you feel the heat rush to your cheeks. "Don't say that," you say, clearly blushing as you gently hit his arm. "But what if I want to?" He replies with a devilish grin. "You can live without saying it." You shoot back. "I don't think I would live another minute if I didn't say it,"

You smile. "Okay, Mr. Compliments, you win." You wrap your arms around his neck and place a gentle kiss on his lips. "How about we play a little game?" You say with a smirk. Loki narrows his eyes at you challengingly. "Go on," he says, gesturing for you to explain.

"This is one big ass tower, so I hide, if you find me before I call time which is about...30 minutes, I'm all yours tonight." You say returning the devilish smile he always gave you. A tug pulls at the corner of Loki's lips. "Game on."

You sneak out of the gala and get as far as you can from the gala, making multiple turns into maze-like hallways going up a few levels, walking a little ways, and going down a couple levels. By the time you found a hiding spot, you were completely exhausted. You didn't even know where the hell you were. You slid down against the wall next to a large potted plant. You took off your heels and gave Loki a call. "I'm ready," You say into the microphone. "Alright. See you soon." Loki responds.

You start the timer and wait. A minute passes, then two, and you decide he'll never find you, so you close your eyes and fall asleep, making sure you set your phone on alarm so it wakes you up when the time ends.

Not a second later, you feel a hand on your shoulder. "That won't be necessary," Loki. You dart to your feet. "!" Loki smirks. "You never said I couldn't teleport dear," You mentally slap yourself for forgetting about his powers. "A deal's a deal," You reply, interlocking your hand with his. He wraps an arm around you and whispers into your ear. "Close your eyes." You do so.

When you open your eyes again, you find yourself on the king bed, Loki lying next to you. "Now where were we?" He says stroking your arm affectionately. "Right here," You say, attaching your lips to his.

~♡ Miki

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