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No matter how much I would love to, I do not own Marvel, all credit goes to the wonderful Stan Lee (RIP you amazing man ❤️).

Also a quick note, the way I write my stories is quite strange and so for the proper action to begin I take quite a few chapters time to set the scene so please bear with me and try to stay with my story — thank you and happy reading!
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Alex was running and running through the park, weaving her way in and out of trees. Her breathing shallowed as she gasped for more air — were they still following her?

To be honest, she didn't even know who she was running from this time, or how many of them there were, for all she could tell it could either be just one person or a whole group.

All she knew for definite was that she had had enough.
Enough of the police chasing her to try and "bring her to safety".
Enough of those scary people who kept trying to take her back to that lab for experiments.
She had had enough of all of it.

Alex didn't even know if these people following her were the police or those creepy lab guys: maybe, just maybe, they were actually people who wanted to help her.
But she couldn't let her hope get the best of her.

Her legs were tiring, but it didn't seem like the people following her were feeling even a slight portion of her exhaustion — it was only a matter of time before they caught up with her. All she wanted was to be left alone, could people not even give her that? Was it really that difficult?

She knew she couldn't go on for much longer, to be fair, however, they probably had jets and weapons to attack as well, all she had was two daggers that she'd never officially learnt how to use.
They were the only things she had to resemble her father, no memories no photos, nothing. And although they might not sound like much, they were very effective for defense and had a handy power of appearing and disappearing just when necessary, and of always returning to her hands — well perhaps not always, but when they fancied listening to her.

This was because of one thing only, her father was a god. Not just any god though, a Greek god, the Lord of the sea, Poseidon. He didn't care for his daughter and so she usually tried to pretend that she never had a father in the first place. Her mother, who was just a human, had died during child birth in the hospital in England, where she had lived; she had died because her child having the power of a god was too much for her mortal body, she couldn't take it. This left Alex being sent to an horrible orphanage, and things just spiraled down hill from there.
But Alex had always tried not to dwell on her boring old sob story, she had better things to do than wallow in her own self-pity.

The little girl's vision became blurry, her lungs burning, she couldn't keep on going; but then what should she do? Just give up?
That didn't really seem like her style.

Her legs moved slower and slower, until they finally stopped and she collapsed, leaning her back against the trunk of a tree. She gasped for air, hoping beyond hope that they had stopped following her — but deep down she knew that it was only a matter of time before they found her.

Thirty seconds wait time was all it took before she was caught.

Alex heard a voice through the park and her head slumped, her short brown hair flopping over her face.
They were here.
They had found her.
She felt scared, terrified in fact — this couldn't be happening, she had never been caught before.

She knew it was time to resort to her least favorite option, one she had never had to resort to before because the danger it put her and others in; fighting her way out — not that she really knew how to fight, whereas she presumed whoever this person was had probably been training all their life.

As the footsteps grew louder, she managed to make out some of the words the person was saying.
"I've found the kid you were talking about, but it might take me a while to get her to the tower — she seems scared."
There was silence besides the crackle of a radio nearby.
"'Course I don't need back-up I'll be fine, I'm not going to try and attack a kid."
It was a man'a voice, she could tell. But what did he mean "the kid they were talking about"? Did they know her?

Alex's heart quickened as he came even closer.

She willed her daggers to appear, hoping beyond hope that they were in an obedient mood (they had a tendency to rebel and ignore her requests — she would have to work on their obedience skills later).

Fortunately, her daggers decided to obey and materialized, one in either hand. She held her breath, hoping they wouldn't find her.

But of course they did.

From what she had heard and how scared she was feeling she was expecting some terrifying man to jump out at her loaded with weapons, so when she saw the person chasing her she was quite surprised.

A blonde haired man slowly stepped out from behind a tree with a kind smile on his face. He was tall, probably 6ft and was carrying a larger circular sort of shield painted red, white and blue with a big white star in its center. But probably the strangest thing about him was his outfit: he was wearing a blue spandex jumpsuit which matched his shield exactly, to her, he looked like a walking American flag — in less scary circumstances, Alex might have giggled.

However, despite his unique fashion choice, Alex refused to be deceived by looks — and anyway, that shield didn't look like it was some plastic prop for a film.

Hastily, she tried to stumble to her feet, wielding her daggers, but unfortunately, the cool attack pose she was going for didn't work out and she ended up falling back down and having to lean on the tree for support. She was too tired and exhausted to fight, she would just give up, let them take her, do whatever stupid experiments they wanted — what did she have to lose?

The man's smile morphed into concern as he slowly stepped nearer to Alex. Her body tensed.
He raised his arms up in surrender, dropping his shield as he did so,
"Hey, hey, kid. It's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. You're safe, it's okay."
Alex raised her head slowly to look closely at him, once again feeling that rush of hope, maybe this time, it wouldn't fade...

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Hey guys, so I hoped you enjoyed this first chapter! So unfortunately this chapter was quite short (sorry) but I do know that the next chapters will definitely never be as short as this one — just think of this as a sort of prologue if you want. And we will find out more about Alex's backstory further in the story! I would also like to say that this story will hopefully cover parts of the Marvel storyline as well as my own but the years and timings might not all match, but oh well! Thanks for reading, and tell me if you have any ideas for this story! :)
~ Kiana

(Word count: 1273)

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