Side Effects

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It took a while — 42 and a half minutes to be exact — but Alex finally finished forcing the disgusting herbal paste, which she had now started calling 'sticky slop', down her throat.

Breathing out a deep sigh, Loki carefully removed the bowl from Alex's hands, having waited by her side for her to finish the remedy for the entire time; Bruce, Steve and Tony had had to leave, heading back to the lounge to speak with the others about what amends were to be done to the tower.

Loki placed the bowl on the counter, turning back to the little girl.
"So what now?" Alex asked, her fever hadn't died done nor had her memories magically returned and she was getting impatient.

Loki sat down beside her, giving her little hand a gentle squeeze.
"You shall have to wait, I'm afraid. I'm not sure what form your memories shall return to you in, but you will have to wait for a while before the paste begins to work."

Alex scowled in boredom.
"Can have something to fix this then?" She asked, pointing towards her nose as she gave an exaggerated sniff of disdain, followed by a little cough for good measure.

"No, I'm afraid you'll have to wait." Loki replied, smirking in amusement at her antics. "If you take any mortal medication for your fever right now, it could potentially clash with the remedy to retrieve your memories."

Alex pouted as she folded her arms in annoyance, having stopped listening when she had heard the word 'no'. To prove her frustration even further, she flopped further into the infirmary bed, cocooning herself in the duvet as she rolled to one side, facing away from Loki.

For a short space of time, the two of them simply say there, in silence, without an exchanged word between them, before Alex released an over exaggerated huff as she rolled to the other side in unsettlement, now turned back to face Loki, who looked down at her in amusement.

"How looong?" She whined, frowning at him from under he covers. Loki smiled, coming to sit on the bed beside her.

"Just be patient, princess." He said softly, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. "How about you try to sleep, the time would pass much faster." He gently tucked the duvet further round Alex before pressing a gently kiss on her forehead.

"Will you stay till I sleep?" Alex whispered, her little head only just poking out from beneath the covers to stare up at Loki with big turquoise eyes.

"Of course." He replied, giving a small smile as he watched the little girl close her delicate eyes.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


The three of them, Tony, Steve and Bruce, had conveniently managed to escape the infirmary after many painful minutes of having to watch Alex try to sneak her way out of eating her disgusting medicine; although Tony couldn't blame her — he wouldn't touch that stuff either.

As they entered he sitting room, Tony was surprised to see Natasha, Clint and Thor doing something he never thought they'd do... cleaning. He stared, his jaw practically gaping open, as Thor tidily used a broom to sweep up piles of rubble and dirt, whilst Clint ran the vacuum cleaner over the floorboards and Natasha sprayed and wiped the surface areas.

"What... is happening?" He heard Bruce breathe out, clearly speechless as well as their friends finally took notice of them, setting down their cleaning supplies.

"Hey, guys." Clint greeted, before scowling at their flabbergasted expressions, "what?".
He watched them as their eyes darted between him, Nat, Thor and the multitude of cleaning supplies surrounding them.

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