New Year's Eve

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For real now though, these last few weeks have been pretty stressful for me so sorry that I'm posting a New Years chapter in February but oh well. I still think I deserve the award for best timing.

Anyway I hope you try and enjoy his chapter even though it isn't my best!

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The Avengers Tower was a mess.

Honestly, that's all it was, a complete and utter dump. What with Christmas celebrations and present-opening — and everyone being rather lazy in general — there were now layers of wrapping paper all strewn over the floor, a thick layer of dust now coating every surface it could settle on and the floor desperately needed the help of a vacuum cleaner: to sum it up nicely, the tower was in dire need of a clean.

It was the early morning of December 31st, but as Alex came down he stairs that morning, she was faced with a sight so horrible she was tempted to just run back upstairs and go to bed; rather then lounging around on the sofas with waffles, everyone was on their feet, vacuuming, dusting, spraying every window pane.

Alex scowled as she observed the peculiar sight before slowly creeping into the room, trying to go unnoticed as she attempted to avoid the cleaning and sneak into the kitchen to grab some food — unfortunately, her plan was foiled.

"Whatcha doing, Squirt?" Tony asked, looking up from the table he had been vigorously, yet quite pointlessly, scrubbing.

Alex's eyes widened innocently — she had been caught.
"Nothing..." She trailed off before her expression suddenly changed as she crossed her arms, "but what are you guys doing?" She asked, wrinkling her nose as everyone put down their cleaning equipment to greet her.

Before Tony could reply, they were interrupted by someone loudly and very pointedly clearing their throat.
"Well Tony here thought that now would be the perfect time to tell us that he's invited a bunch of people over for a New Year's Eve party, today." Natasha explained only partially to Alex whilst glaring at Tony as she clenched a cloth tightly in her hand as though it were a weapon.

Tony shrugged somewhat sheepishly.

Alex scowled, still unimpressed.
"But why are you cleaning?" She asked, saying the word like it was a disease that could potentially contaminate her.

Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Come on Alex, we talked about this, if people are coming over we can't keep the tower looking so..."

"Crappy?" Tony filled in unhelpfully.

Steve raised an eyebrow.
"Tony." He warned, scowling at his friend's use of 'language'.

Alex frowned, not taking any notice of the silent war Tony and Steve were sharing through glares; all she could think about was how much she really wasn't liking this idea of... cleaning.

"But do I have to help?" She complained, trying to pull off her cutest Bambi eyes.

Steve slightly turned his head as he desperately tried to avoid being fooled by the little girl's plan.

"Well, uh —" He began, knowing full well that Alex was only trying trick him... but he couldn't help but cave in after another glance at the adorable little girl, her eyes glistening hopefully. "Alright fine," he finally complied as Alex's face broke into a triumphant little smile, "just make sure you get ready in time."

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