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Alex blinked her eyes blearily, squinting at the harsh rays of sunlight that streamed in through the window as she slowly awoke once again.
How many times had she slept over the past few days?
All it felt like she was doing was waking up and then falling back to sleep again!
Seriously, what was she doing with her life?

She opened her eye just a smidge, allowing her vision to attempt to focus on her surroundings.
Where was she this time — this definitely wasn't the same room she woke up in last.
And...who was she leaning on?

She scrunched her eyes shut, trying to remember what had happened.
She had gotten out of bed, and crept downstairs.....
oh, yes, and then she went into the living room.

She scowled, what had happened after that?

Her eyes shot open. She remembered!
Then a tall man with greasy hair wearing a funny outfit had come in.
What was his name?
Yeah,  she wasn't good with names so why not stick with that?

They had spoken for a while about his old home.
She thought and thought — he was telling her a story, about where he was from... but she couldn't remember anything after that.

After many minutes of lying there, as still as a rock, trying to remember what had happened next, Alex concluded that she must have fallen asleep by that point.

Slowly, she shifted around ever so slightly and turned her head to look up at the man; his brow was furrowed and he was deep in conversation with some people around them who she couldn't see.

The new people were discussing something that sounded pretty important and she was desperate to understand what it was.

Curiously, she listened in,
"...and what are we going to do if we do find out who he is? It's not like he's done much for her anyway." The guy opposite said.
What were they talking about this time?
She couldn't quite tell.

Alex moved her head just a tiny bit more, trying to to expose her ear slightly to listen, but unfortunately, this time her movements didn't go unnoticed.

'Laky' looked down at her and smirked, their conversation coming to an abrupt halt.

"Hello, young one."
He greeted as she slowly sat upright on the sofa, wincing slightly at the painful ache from her sore muscles and bruises.
She rubbed her eyes groggily, still squinting and shielding them from the brightness.

"Rise and shine." Another man said from opposite them. She looked up cautiously to see that it was the same man who had been with her in that creepy hospital room: Steve — she had liked him.

Sluggishly, she waved towards them in greeting, for the first time feeling slightly shy.
But you couldn't blame her; she had been starved of human interaction for most of her life and now she was in a room surrounded by a load of adults who, although they were nice, were still, mostly, complete strangers — you couldn't expect her to be the biggest social butterfly.

"Hey kiddo."
Alex heard a voice to her right and she whipped her head around to see a woman with fiery red hair perched on a chair, giving her a slight grin.
She had well defined facial features and intelligent green eyes that, although fierce, had a glow of kindness to them. She was very pretty, but she looked tough, strong, like she could take out even the bulkiest it guys as a daily activity.
From the first look, Alex had already idolized her as someone she wanted to be like when she grew up.

"Alex this is Natasha," Steve introduced, gesturing to the woman. Unsure of what to do or say, Alex smiled at her timidly earning a grin in return.

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