The Lifestory

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"It's okay... I actually—I really need to tell someone about it."
Alex whispered, her voice quiet and hoarse.

Slowly, she sat up, cross-legged on her bed, and turned to Steve, who was now sitting beside her, before beginning.

"My... my dad," She sniffed disdainfully, "you were right, he is a god, a Greek god actually: Poseidon, god of the sea."

She scowled as she said this, as if the idea of her father upset her.
She continued, her voice shaking slightly.
"When— when I was growing up, I learnt that I was a mistake, I wasn't supposed to be born... I was just what everyone else called my dad's 'accident' with my mother.
I don't know anything about her, she—she died when I was born..." she choked slightly on her words, burying her head in her hands.

She shook her head, her face still covered by her hands."Is it-is it my fault she's gone now?" She asked, her voice hitching slightly as she raised her head to look at Steve, her eyes now ever so slightly red and puffy.

The little girl's eyes welled with tears as Steve lovingly wrapped his arms around her, holding her closely to his chest.
"No, of course it's not your fault." He whispered softly. "It wasn't your fault, and no one will ever think it was."
He stroked her hair, gently calming her as he waited to see if she was going to continue.

As the two sat there, he scowled, thinking.
He ran through what Alex had told him; so her father was a Greek god, but how was he real?
Did all gods just exist now?

He turned his attention back to Alex as she took a deep, shaky breath before continuing.
"When my mum died... my dad, he never came to help me, I've never even met him, so for a while, I grew up in a place called an orpha-orph..."
she stammered, struggling with the word as she frowned at her pronunciation.

"Orphanage?" Steve filled in, smiling kindly down at her.

Alex nodded her head.
"I don't remember much from there, just this mean lady, always shouting. I remember... I remember, sometimes, weird things would happen whenever I got very angry or sad; things that I couldn't stop, but knew I was controlling — it was scary, for me and everyone else."

She shakily rubbed her eyes with the sleeve of her hospital gown as she spoke. "She would scream at me and try to stop what was happening. Then one day, after one of my... mistakes, I was awake in bed when I heard people walking in."

She furrowed her eyebrows angrily as she recalled the memory, her voice still trembled as though she were still experiencing it.
"She did it, she let them in. I only remember them coming into my room, I couldn't fight against them..." she trailed off, shaking fearfully

Swallowing thickly, Alex took a shuddery breath, leaning closer to Steve.
"The next thing I knew, I was in a different place with new people.
They... they were nice at first, always smiling, but weirdly. They— they told me I was special, that they needed me..."
Her eyes began to water uncontrollably, "and I believed them, I trusted them." She choked out, sobbing quietly.

Tears streamed down her face as she clenched tighter onto Steve shirt, burying her head into his chest.

Steve calmingly rubbed her back, holding her tightly; he couldn't imagine how much mental and physical pain this poor little girl had had to go through — just the idea of it made him furious.

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