Win or Lose?

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Ahhh! I'm so so sorry this is late!!!
But I don't want to disturb your reading right now so I'll explain more on this at the end!
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Grinding his teeth in fury, Steve watched as Onuks spun around to face him, casually kicking Bucky's limp body as though he were a rag doll; Steve clenched his fists, his eyes blazing as his heart pounded furiously in his chest — one punch, just one at least was all he wanted to do.

He stayed put, however, watching Onuks's every move as he slowly advanced towards the two of them, his eyes not set on Steve, but on the small figure now behind him...

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The blood pounded in Alex's head as she watched Onuks slowly move towards them, his cold eyes staring not just at her, but through her, as though he could see all her fears, her thoughts, everything.

Her staring contest was broken, however, when Steve protectively moved in front of her, blocking her from sight as he clenched his fist, his other hand gripping his shield tightly.

"Back off." He practically growled, seething with rage. He wouldn't let Onuks get to Alex, not this time — he would make sure of it.

Despite the threat, Onuks continued forward, casually twiddling his thumbs as he advanced further, his expression now unreadable.

"I said back off." Steve yelled his voice dripping with menace in a way Alex had never heard him speak before; he had always been so soft and gentle, but now he was angry, and all his softness had been replaced with rage.

Steve trembled with fury as the creature continued to advance closer and closer, clearly not understanding the message.

Alex let out a gasp of shock as she watched Steve swing his shield forwards, sending it soaring towards Onuks as he sprinted forwards, tackling Onuks before he had the chance to react.

She watched in horror as an all too familiar sea of creatures swarmed Steve as he continued to fight, blinded by rage; Alex had seen this happen with Nat and she'd seen it happen with Bucky, she wasn't taking any chances.

She had had enough of it: enough of standing and watching from the sidelines as the people she loved were hurt — it was going to stop now.

Despite her exhaustion, the little girl closed her eyes, filling her mind with dark thoughts as she mustered all the energy she had left into her hands.
It was a common process now, but this time it felt different... stronger somehow.

Cautiously, she looked down at her hands, trembling with power, as she redirected her gaze to Onuks thinking about everything he had done, everyone he had hurt...

The now familiar, sharp tugging in her stomach spread through her body as she harnessed more and more energy, clenching her eyes shut as she embraced the power.

Her heart racing in her chest, she took a step forward...

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