Flashback to the Morning

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They had all gathered in the meeting room of the Avengers Tower on Fury's orders, after being told of an important mission.

Once all the avengers had all sat down, Fury took a deep breath, as if he was choosing his words very carefully, starting,
"The reason you are all here right now, is because I would like to give one of you the mission of finding a specific person and bringing them back to the tower."

Tony leaned back comfortably in his chair, uninterested in the boring 'mission'.
"Well what sort of person then? Man or a woman? An adult?" He asked these all in a monotone voice, without a care for the answers. However, when he received no reply he bolted upright with a sudden thought. "Wait... are they even human?"

Fury sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Yes, Stark, they are human, but, well, she's also a child..."

Of course the minute his words had been processed people protested, including Steve, who thought the idea of taking a child was outrageous.

"Wait," Loki's voice silenced them all from where he sat at the table, he was the only one not shouting at the director, yet. "Explain, what context is this in? Why should we just take a random, innocent child?"

Fury shook his head smiling slightly,
"I thought you had more brains in that head of yours, Loki. Just trying to take some random kid off the streets would be a stupid ass decision, even I know that." He tutted.

The heroes scowled in confusion.
"Well then who exactly are you asking us to find?" Thor asked skeptically.

"There's this kid nearby," he continued. "Who I have kept tabs on for quite some time. She has a sort of...aura of someone or something powerful. It may possibly be dangerous. All I need is for one of you to find her and bring her back here."

"So," Clint interrupted, scowling. "What would you do to her if we find her? Experiment on her?"

Everyone grimaced at this; experimenting was what HYDRA did, they were supposed to be the ones preventing this.

Fury's eye turned to Thor, shaking his head.
"Well, we're not going to be hurting her if that's what you're worried about. But we need to get her out of the public: I don't think that we're the only ones who are interested in finding her..."

The others let out small sighs of relief.

"Its for her safety purposes only..." Fury added.

Steve raised one eyebrow, knowing full well the director would have more than just one reason to want this child.
"You know, for the director of a secret agency, sometimes you lie really badly."  He stated, looking suspiciously at Fury.

The other avengers smirked.
"Well...I might have also been hoping that perhaps we could recruit a new hero, or at least give her some proper training..." He replied, avoiding their eye contact.

Once again, there was a loud uproar of complaints,
"You want to recruit a small kid?"
"Is that even legal?"
"What about her family?"
"I'm hungry."

Those sorts of complaints.

The director raised his hands to make peace.
"I swear," he said once everyone had quietened down, "that nothing we do will hurt her." They all continued to look at him pointedly and he sighed. "Yes, and she doesn't have to stay with us if she doesn't want to."

Sighs of relief could be heard as everyone settled back into their chairs after having stood up defensively during the heat of the moment. However, they were still glaring menacingly at the director. If looks could kill, he would have been dead the minute he used the word 'kid'.

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