Riding in the Rain

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Hi guys! So sorry about the delay, I was away for two weeks and really struggled with this chapter in general. :(
But I hope you enjoy it all the same even though it's definitely not my best work.

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"Oh, great. Now she's got a bike."
The group of five turned to see Bucky making his way down the stairs, still drenched in water.

Alex, who clearly hadn't picked up on the soldiers pure exhaustion, only beamed proudly.
"And look look... I've got a bell!" She exclaimed excitedly as she rang the bike's bell multiple times.

Steve sighed, with his head resting in the palm of his hand as the shrill ringing of the bike's bell continued to resonate through the hall.
Finally, after receiving several looks of intense exasperation, the still smiling little girl put an end to everyone's misery, taking her hand away from the bell.

Keen to quickly strike up conversation before Alex got bored and decided to make any more noise, Natasha came up with an idea.
"Well," she began, clapping her hands together, "I think, since they bought it for you, I think it's only fair that Thor and Loki teach you how to ride your bike, Alex. That sounds like fun, right?" She suggested hopefully.

The two brothers hesitantly backed away, eyes wide.

Nat folded her arms, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't see why you can't."

Loki put his hands up.
"I- I'm afraid I most definitely couldn't do that. You see... I've never ridden such a thing before. I'm afraid I may teach Alex the wrong... skills if I were to be put in charge of teaching her." He stammered, desperately putting together a worthy excuse.

Thor quickly caught on.
"Ah yes and I've never ridden one before either." He chuckled awkwardly, "such a shame. I would have loved to help, but..." he shrugged as though he wasn't internally partying that he wouldn't be the one to have to deal with the mess that was about to be made by Alex riding her bike.

Natasha rolled her eyes, mumbling under her breath.
"Wimps." She put her hands on her hips, eyeing the remaining two men.

Steve anxiously caught Bucky's eye, already knowing where this was going.
"Natasha..." he began, but was immediately cut short.

"What? Are you guys gonna tell me you've never ridden a bike before too?" She asked incredulously.

Their little dispute was unfortunately interrupted when a very sad-looking Alex returned after having momentarily left the room.

Steve noticed immediately, kneeling down to the little girl's height.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked softly.

Alex frowned before turning and pointing to the window.
"It's raining outside." She moped disappointedly.

From the corner of her eye, Nat caught sight of Bucky doing a little victory dance of his own.
Slyly, she narrowed her eyes at him; he wasn't getting away so easily. She turned to Alex.
"Don't worry, sweetie." She reassured her. "Buck and Steve don't mind teaching you in the rain." She smiled as the sad frown fell from the little girl's face.

"What?!" Both the super soldiers asked in unison.

Natasha shrugged like she had no say in the matter as she attempted to conceal the small smirk from crawling onto her face.
"It's only fair. And anyway," she gestured to the very excited little girl before them, "you can't let her down now."

The two men sighed; they loved spending time with Alex, but it wasn't hard to admit that it was a very, very exhausting task.

They watched as Natasha began to stride away from them.
"Have fun!" She smiled before waving and leaving the hallway, the two gods following closely behind her.

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