Meeting the God of Mischief

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Alex awoke again in he same room she was in before, but this time there was no one else in it but her.
Cautiously, she sat upright on the bed, feeling more well-rested than she had felt in a long time — perhaps even in forever. Her dizziness and queasiness had mostly gone and her cuts no longer stung from infection and loss of blood.

She looked down at her arms in anticipation — thank goodness!
They had removed the creepy wires from her and she was no longer plugged into any more machines or drips like she was when she woke up last.

For a short while, she simply sat there, enjoying not being dragged out of bed, or shouted at, or tested on. But her serenity didn't last for long before her hyper activeness kicked in and she felt restless and bored.
She had to do something.

She could always just wait around for someone to come back in...
But where was the fun in that?

Her curiosity getting the best of her, she silently jumped out of bed and tip-toed towards the door, slowly opening it and creeping into the hallway.
It was completely quiet, and so, judging by the tint of orange light peeking through the windows, Alex assumed it was still quite early in the morning.

The little girl crept down many flights of stairs, unaware of the lift nearby, and still dressed in her oversized nightgown and little white slippers she had found at the side of her bed.

When she reached the bottom of the steps, she came to a long hallway with doors all around; curiously, she crept to the end of the hall before arriving in a pretty room with lots of sofas surrounding a large coffee table. To one side of the room there was a little bar area surrounded by colourful bottles containing different sorts of funny-coloured liquids. On the other side of the room, were enormous, glass French doors revealing a large balcony overviewing the picturesque Manhattan in the sunrise.

Little Alex moved closer to the balcony, mesmerized by the beautiful view in front of her; she had never seen anything so gorgeous, never seen so many tall statuesque buildings, or the beautiful, blood-orange haze that outlined them so perfectly.
However, for most of the years of her life she had just been stuck, cooped up in one suffocatingly small room with no windows, or perfect views, or fancy furniture to settle into after a hard day, so to be completely honest, everything was deemed gorgeous to her — but this, this was something else entirely.

Gazing in awe, she moved so close to the glass just in front of the balcony that her head was almost pressed against it, her breath creating a little circle of condensation on the glass.
Her eyes were set so intently on the sunrise that she didn't hear the sound of footsteps, nor did she see the person slowly walk up just a few meters behind her, his immense height towering over her.

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Loki had been awake for many hours, restless; he couldn't quite sleep after the information he had been told the night before. His brain was overwhelmed with strange thoughts and questions.
If this child was the daughter of a god, then who was her parent?
If this god wasn't from Asgard or any realm he knew, where else could he be from then?

He continued to think and question and think and question, coming to no final conclusion or answer.
After a while of this, he gave up in attempting to sleep, and rose from his bed, dressing into his usual daily attire: basically a black suit that Thor still insisted on calling his 'witch outfit'.

As he was changing, he heard light footsteps not far outside his door that were so delicate that they couldn't be made by the feet of one of the Avengers, the sound was far too light and gentle, even for someone nimble like Natasha.

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