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Bucky watched the little girl curiously from where he sat opposite her on the couch, as she swung her legs back and forth from where they dangled off the edge.

Awkwardly, he began fiddling with his hands, wondering what to do.
How do you talk to kids anyway?
Is it another type of English?

Just as he opened his mouth to use an incredibly boring sentence starter, Alex's turned to look at him.
"Were you Steve's best friend from a really long time ago?"
She blurted out, staring at him intently.

Bucky smiled.
"Yeah, yeah you could say that..."
He replied, watching in amusement as Alex quickly lost interest in the conversation, her eyes falling on his metal arm.

"Your arm's shiny!"
She exclaimed excitedly, jumping forwards to tap it with her finger, the metal making a small *ting* sound echo through the room.

Bucky chuckled,
He replied, watching the little girl as she stared in awe. "It's metal." He explained, unsure whether the little girl even knew what that was.

Her eyebrows rising, Alex quickly darted into the kitchen, running back into the lounge with her hands filled with small letters.

Carefully, as though she were perfecting a fine piece of artwork, she stuck the magnetic letters onto his arm, each one making a metallic *clang* as it was placed.

Bucky smiled as she finished, looking down to see 'Alex' written in colourful magnets across his arm.

Triumphantly, Alex sat back down, brushing her hands off as she stared at her masterpiece.

For a while after that, the two were silent; Bucky sat, impatiently jiggling his leg as he thought of something they could do.

What would Alex want to do — other than stick magnets on his arm?

Awkwardly, he's leant forwards, drawing the little girl's attention.
"So, uh... d'you want anything to eat? I can get us some food or something..."
He asked, completely out of his depth.

Nonchalantly, Alex shrugged before nodding her head.
"Cookies, please she replied."
She replied, watching as he fast-walked out of the room, desperate to have a moment to pull his head together.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


The minute he was out of earshot and in the kitchen, Bucky leant against the countertop, running a hand through his hair.

What was he going to do?
They couldn't just sit in silence for hours on end...

He wiped his brow the palm of his hand — if only he had some ideas for help...

Hold on.
He thought to himself.
Help. Exactly.
He needed someone to help.

Hastily he pulled out his phone, one he had bought just recently after finally giving into this whole 'modern technology' thing.

Dialling the first number that came to mind, he put the phone to his ear, tapping his foot impatiently as it continued to ring.

Finally, there was a crackle on the other line, when a low voice called out.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Bucky replied.
"Oh hey, Sam, look I need your help, you've gotta come over right now."

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


His eyebrows knit in confusion, Sam walked up to the door of the Avengers Tower, waiting for it to be opened.

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