The Nightmare

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After their very tiring discussion about Alex was over, Tony had gone down to his own private lab area (or, as Clint liked to call it, his "nerd room") simply to sit down and think.

Despite his usual calm and jokey demeanour, he was a lot more confused than he let on to the others.

It was one thing to not know the answer to one question, but Tony didn't know a single thing about the 'alternate realms' and 'godly beings' that Thor and Loki had been talking about.

These sorts of things freaked him out; he didn't like to think that there were things out there beyond his knowledge, out of his reach and control.

To put it simply, he didn't like not knowing.

As he sat there, his mind drifted back to Alex.
Steve had said, as they had all already guessed, that she was the daughter of some sort of god, and that she had been experimented on by HYDRA to perhaps enhance her powers.

But, there was one question that had been nagging at Tony's mind ever since he'd learnt about Alex's time in HYDRA, of course it must have been an absolutely horrifying place... but how had she managed to escape?

He'd seen SHIELD's security systems, which were brutally difficult to breach, and he doubted that the HYDRA base's were any less advanced, if not more.

And if her powers were somehow involved in her escape, then perhaps she was powerful than any of them, or even Alex herself, had even realised yet.

Simply out of curiosity and boredom, he began making a list of the things she would be able to control being the daughter of the god of the sea.

Perhaps this could help them, and Alex, learn more about her strengths... and perhaps her weaknesses too.

He pulled out a pen and paper and began noting every idea that came to mind down.

Earthquakes, well, she could definitely create them, they had all witnessed that.

He presumed that she would be able to control water, so potentially... tsunamis?

He rested his head in his hands, trying to think of all other things that were controlled by water.
The clouds rained... and there was always the sea as well...

He scowled in frustration.
Water was a big part of human lives as well, perhaps that...

Then it hit him.

Humans were mostly made of water.
If Alex had powers over water, then that would mean that she had powers over all human life; and if she could drain that water out of a person's body...

He shuddered at the thought of it; she could make someone drop dead right at her feet without even having to touch them.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply.

Of course, he loved Alex, just as much as everyone else, but if they didn't get her powers under control any time soon, then there would be serious consequences...

Hastily, he pulled up a holographic screen, researching everything he could possibly find on this 'Poseidon' guy; maybe that would help him find out more about how to control the powers she had.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Who knows how long he sat there for, it could have been hours or it could have just been a few minutes, but all Tony knew was that his important research was being interrupted yet again.

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