Girls Day Out (basically a bonus chapter)

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Tony had been working alone in his lab when he heard Jarvis's robotic voice echo through the room.

"Mr Stark, Captain Rogers wishes to see you in the training room, Sir."
He announced, his voice monotone and expressionless.

Tony grumbled in annoyance,
"What does Steve need now?"
He mumbled to himself, rubbing his head in his hand; he still had a splitting head-ache from the previous night, even after having vowed never to drink scotch again (not that that would last more than a few days at most).

"Mr Stark?"
Jarvis questioned again, prepared for the usual debate he had with Tony whenever he was required to do something.

He waved his hand in a shooing motion in the air.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming."
The billionaire replied dismissively, hoisting himself up and trudging towards the stairs, still murmuring inaudible words about being 'busy' and the people he lived with being 'incapable of being independent'.

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Eventually, Tony arrived at the training room, striding with a false spring in his step towards Steve, who was casually blocking the door to the smaller training room with his body, watching his friend nervously.

"Hey Spangles."
Tony greeted, still insisting on using the nickname despite his severe hangover. "Why the long face, huh?"

Steve rolled his eyes at the name, still blocking the door as he hastily tried to think of a way to make the wreckage behind him seem better than it was.
"Uh, yeah no reason, I just wanted to let you know tha-"

His explanation was cut off by Tony, opening his mouth to speak over him.
"Mhm, yeah, look, Steve, you know I probably won't care about what you have to say, but..."
he strained his head up as he unsuccessfully tried to see past Steve, "where's Alex? I thought she was meant to be training here now?"

Steve sighed, this was harder than he thought.
"Yeah, Tony, about that..."
Steve began, trying to draw his friend's attention back to him before he saw too much.

Tony huffed in frustration, trying to push past.
"Okay, Capsicle, no more talking, I wanna see—"
He cut himself short as he speedily darted around the soldier, opening the door.

Steve cringed guiltily as Tony simply stopped dead in the doorway, his mouth hanging open at what was before him.

The two enormous holes in the middle of the floor were gaping wider than ever, rubble surrounded the room and the floor was a pool of water.

"What. Happened?"
Tony asked, still gaping at the wreckage before him.

Steve shrugged awkwardly, pulling a face.
"That's the thing... I don't really know."

Why was he getting the blame for this anyway?
He backtracked to earlier, Loki had told Steve to take a look in the room and then... he left...

Steve rolled his eyes exasperatedly: classic Loki.
He had ever so conveniently left so that Steve would have to tell Tony meaning Steve would get the blame.
Maybe he had softened slightly, but other than that, he hadn't changed a bit.

Tony asked incredulously, turning round to stare at Steve, his eyes scanning his face to see if this was some sort of a joke: which it most definitely wasn't.

Steve opened his arms placidly, grimacing weakly,
"Look, Tony, I didn't know what the heck was going on in there. Loki just came out carrying Alex and..."

He was cut short by Tony butting in, his face softening into worry.
"Hold up, what happened to Alex?" He asked, scowling anxiously.

Steve shrugged, giving a half-smile to his now panicking friend.
"She's fine just, tired herself out."

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