The Fight

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Quick note:
I would like to apologise for this chapter being late, I'm very sorry! I'm not going to bore you with the reasons why, but if you wish to know, check my announcements.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, although it isn't my best as it is an action chapter, but anyway...
Enjoy all the same! :)

- Kiana

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Sam sighed in frustration, rubbing his hand over his face, knowing that he had no other choice anyway but to stay where he was — protecting Alex.

They continued, staring fruitlessly at the door, as if they were just waiting for something to come bursting in.

The two of them were so focused on straining their ears in one direction to hear what was going on downstairs, that they didn't notice the sound coming from behind them, gradually increasing in volume.

They didn't hear the noise, like nails running down a chalkboard, creeping closer and closer, like something was tearing through the air...

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Warning: this chapter may include some very mild bad language (I don't know though since I haven't written it yet).


Sam's heart stopped cold when he heard a low hiss behind him, the sound like a vicious snarl.

Cautiously, he turned his head, his heart pounding in his chest, as he came face to face with a creature so disgusting, he could barely keep his eyes on it.

Protectively, he pushed Alex behind him, not moving his eyes from the creature in front of him.

"Alex, get back."
He ordered, his voice low as he heard a small scuffle behind him as Alex slowly backed further away.

Sam braced himself, raising his fists, prepared for a fight as he watched the disgusting creature closely, daring for it to make the first move.

For a while, however, it just stood there, staring at the two of them, it's face blank and unreadable; before suddenly, it lunged forwards, it's wrinkly hands outstretched as it clawed viciously at anything in sight.

Sam gasped in surprise as he felt icy cold hands wrap around his throat, the sharp nails digging into his skin.

Grunting in frustration, he threw the creature off him, tossing it against the wall, unconscious.
Thank goodness they were surprisingly light.

The blood pounded in his head as he turned to see Alex, curled in the corner, her eyes wide in fear.
Hastily, he walked towards her, kneeling down to her level.

"You okay, kid?"
He asked, still breathing heavily.

Her heart still racing, Alex nodded her head, looking up at him fearfully.

Sam opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by another scratching sound behind him, causing him to cringe as he whipped his head around, only to see even more creatures flooding into the room.


Angrily, he rushed forwards towards the advancing creatures his fists clenched.

Punches were continuously thrown here and there as creature after creature crumpled to the ground, their throats letting out gurgled screeches as they fell — but still, more replaced them, each one just as ugly and malicious as the last.

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