Chapter 1

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TW: Self-harm

Logan looked in the mirror, tracing the line along his upper arm. Pragmatic,Emotionless, Cold.Were those necessarily bad things? No, he had been striving to be exactly that. Logic was the only constant in this world, emotions ebbed and waned, but logic was true. So why did it hurt? Roommates could be difficult, and sure Roman probably didn't mean it. Still it hurt.

Logan grabbed the old-fashioned razor and began to shave his face, cleaning it between strokes. Once clean shaven he looked over his face and then at the scar once again. You could never understand what it is like to dream! You're just a Robot. Logan took the razor sank it into his flesh, opening the scar again. He was well aware that this was not healthy, but he was smart. It had to be precise, one scar was easier to hide than many. It had to be exact, too deep could cause unwanted side effects, too shallow and the needed cathartic release wouldn't happen. Logan dropped the razor as the pain hit him. Tears began to fill his eyes, but he swallowed them back. He took a deep breath; he didn't need his emotions. Pain was a physical response. Pain was real, but this pain in his heart was not.

Logan let his emotions fade as he picked up the razor and began to clean it off, sanitizing it and putting it back in the medicine cabinet. Cleaning his wound, he bandaged it and slid on his black button up, looking at his face in the mirror. He cleaned himself up and put his tie on, straightening it out. He left the bathroom and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Patton was there with his usual bowl of cereal, happily eating it. Logan gave him a soft nod and went to make his own breakfast.

"You know Lo, I'm sure Roman didn't mean what he said." His voice was soft and gentle, truly an example of someone who was in touch with his emotions.

"It is quite alright; it truly doesn't bother me Patton. After all there is nothing he said that wasn't, in some base parts of his statement, true."

"Are you sure? You looked a bit upset by it before." He had those large puppy dog eyes that one gets when they are trying to be helpful but don't know the right words to speak.

"I do not allow childish words like that to effect me."

"Well that's good to hear," Roman said, coming into the kitchen. There was a silence among them until Logan grabbed a breakfast he could eat on the go, and left the apartment.

Patton turned to Roman with a small pout. "You should apologize Princey. I think you really hurt Logan's feelings."

"That's impossible, Microsoft Turd doesn't have feelings, I'm pretty sure he is actually some sort of AI robot sent to spy on humans."

"Now, Logan is human just like the rest of us; he is just a bit reserved. If you keep poking fun at him he will be less willing to tell him about his feelings when he does have them. We need to be encouraging."

"That's easy for you to say, he isn't the one constantly telling you that your dreams are unachievable."

"You are being loud Princey." Virgil had come out of his room, but his hood was already up. He walked to the fridge, poured himself a glass of milk, and then grabbed an apple. "And if you think Logan is trying to sh-"

"Shakira, Shakira." Patton said with a smile, both of the other men looking at him. They knew he didn't like swearing so Virgil sighed and started over.

"If you think Logan is trying to trash your dreams you don't understand him." Virgil shrugged though because it wasn't his place, but he liked Logan. The man was always very analytical, he thought about what he said before he said it and he was always striving to be truthful. Yeah it could sometimes be irritating when he responded with data that just wasn't helpful. Virgil slammed his milk and waved as he headed out.

"That's not a healthy breakfast." Patton called after him, but Virgil was already out the door and headed to work. "Roman, I think it's really important to follow your dreams, but why don't you have a talk with Logan tonight. See if you can patch things up."

"Whatever, Patton." But just because his voice was harsh though didn't mean he wasn't listening to Patton. Maybe he could talk to Logan when he came back from work. Patton had to leave soon which meant Roman would be left with the chores for the day. It would give him plenty of time to think over this dilemma.

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