Chapter 4

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Patton had been concerned about the phone call Roman had received, but there hadn't been any time to think about it over the week. He loved managing a book store. Not only did he get to spend his day helping parents pick out the right books for their children, but he also got the chance to help out his fellow coworkers. For example, Crystal, one of the teenagers who worked there, had needed to take the week off. She had received an interview for the college she wanted to go to next year, being a manager, Patton happily changed her schedule around. He was so proud of her! Unfortunately, Jonathan had gotten sick. Now Jonathan was a hard worker and student body president as a Junior. He never missed work. Jonathan he had tried to come in even with his high fever. Patton sent him home and told him to take a few days off. That meant two off his staff members were out of commission, leaving Patton to cover all of the extra shifts.

After more than 80 hours of work over the past 7 days, Patton walked into the apartment attempting to hide his weariness. He forced a smile at the buzz of his 'family'. He loved his roommates, but he was ready to go to bed.

"Patton!" Roman exclaimed as he vaulted over the couch. "Patton, I got the part! Play Rehearsal starts next week, and I talked with my boss. He was very understanding! I'm going to be able to work and go to all of the required practices." He took Patton's hand, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh! I'm so proud of you Kiddo!" He wanted to be nothing but happy for Roman. "This means we should make something extra special for dinner. Is Virgil still not home yet?"

Roman shook his head and rolled his eyes, "J Delightful hasn't come back from work yet."

"Well, I'll text him soon to make sure everything is okay. Can't have a family dinner without my little shadowling. Oh, does this mean you won't be able to make it to family dinner for a while?"

"Unfortunately, yes, but the stage is calling me!" Letting go of Patton's hand Roman extended his dramatically making Patton smile.

"How about I come to bring you dinner on Friday nights then? That way you don't fully miss out on family dinner night!"

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I do not want to inconvenience you, my friend."

"I would be delighted to."

"Then I shall look forward to the feasts you bring." He smiled, "Do you need help cooking tonight?"

"Of course, but I think Logan was going to help me, right?" He really didn't want to cook, but he didn't want them to worry either.

Logan looked up from his book. He had been sitting on the couch, silently ignoring Roman. "Yes, quite right." Closing the book, he stood. "Since cooking is an essential skill for personal survival, I would appreciate learning how to put what I know into practice."

"Roman, if you want to help, could you set the table?"

"I shall take on this heroic task." They began to fall into a comfortable rhythm.

As Patton went to turn the cooking duties over to Logan, the apartment door quickly opened and slammed shut. It was followed by a secondary slamming. All three looked at each other before Patton finished drying off his hands. Despite his own week being difficult, Patton was sure he could help better than the others.

"You two finish up. I'll be right back." Waking over to Virgil's room, he knocked on the door. "Hey, buddy, are you alright?" There was no response, but he could hear the labored breathing and soft sobs. Carefully, Patton opened up the door, shutting it behind him.

Virgil tried to form words, one hand in his hair while the other covered his mouth. He wanted to tell Patton he was fine, but his breath caught in his throat and he choked on it. More tears began to form as Virgil shook his head no.

The scene broke Patton's heart. He knew the youngest in their group struggled with anxiety but being able to put a name to it didn't make it easier. Patton knelt down to Virgil's level. "Match my breathing," he whispered, holding out his hand. He knew Virgil would only take it when he was ready.

The first time Patton experienced one of Virgil's attacks was right after they moved in together. Patton had had an early shift and had come home to Vigil pacing in his room. When Patton had gone in to check on him and ask what was wrong Virgil had completely broken down. Watching their sarcastic and cynical roommate break down did not get easier over time. Since that first time, Patton had done what he could to learn how to help Vigil. There were different theories and methods. Sometimes Virgil needed to work on it himself, sometimes he needed a distraction, and sometimes he just needed a hand to hold. It had been a murky area, but Patton was trying to be a supportive person in all of their lives. He hoped he was managing.

Seeing the outstretched hand Virgil quickly grabbed it. He put his fingers on Patton's wrist to feel his pulse. The slow rhythm of Patton's heart being the music he needed to calm down. Slowly, he began to gain control of himself. After a few minutes, he took in a deep shaky breath. It seemed as if his breathing had returned to normal.

"Doing a bit better?" Patton whispered.

Virgil nodded, letting go of Patton's hand. "Yeah, a bit. Dinner smells good." The two stood up together and Virgil pulled at the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Oh right! Dinner! We should check on the boys and see if it is done." Patton gently led him out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen where Logan and Roman were waiting patiently.

"Sorry," Virgil said avoid eye contact.

"That bad of a day at work dark and stormy?" Roman cooed.

"Yeah," Virgil responded while rolling his eyes. The problem was it really hadn't been. He wasn't sure what had caused this attack. Sometimes, it was hard to pinpoint a specific reason.

The four of them fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by small talk and the sound of eating. None of them seemed to have the energy to discuss their week.

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