Chapter 9

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TW: Bad language? Sort of?

Virgil shot awake. Panic gripped him as he looked around the room. This wasn't his room. The bed was perfectly arranged, and he could smell books. He slowly looked up at the ceiling. This was Logan's room. The ceiling was painted to resemble a swirling galaxy. Did the stars actually sparkle? When had Logan had time to paint this? Had he painted this? "Logan, what time is it?" He turned, and looked at the studious man, typing away at his keyboard.

"It is 6:17, I was going to wake you in 3 minutes. I did not want to bother you while you were resting. I was also finishing up a work project. However, we both need to eat a proper meal at an appropriate time."

"Sorry I fell asleep on you?"

"I am rather appreciative that you fell asleep. I have noticed that your sleeping patterns are not consistently healthy, it is best that you sleep when you can. Also, if I remember correctly, moments of high stress, such as panic or anxiety attacks, cause mild exhaustion."

At first, Virgil felt his back stiffen. He was ready to defend himself but realized Logan was just worried. He was a strange man.

"I sleep enough." Virgil just shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I'm sure you know your own body better than I do. However, I severely doubt that you sleep the recommended amount for a fully functioning adult." He stood and closed his laptop before turning to Virgil. "Shall we share a meal?"

"Yeah, well you don't either teach." Virgil said, shoving his hands into his pockets, "And, careful with how you phrase things, teach. That almost sounds like an invitation to a date."

"I have come to learn that my phrasing of certain words is less than ideal. Still, it confounds me how my words could possibly be misinterpreted. I choose each word with care to properly convey my point." Logan rubbed his face, trying to calm himself down. "If I were to ask anyone on a date, I would ask them clearly and appropriately. Poor communication is not a proper way to start off a relationship."

Virgil chuckled. "Well, we can't all be that smooth Spock."

"Spock?" Logan turned to look at Virgil, his brow furrowed and his eyes dusted with confusion behind his glasses.

"Yeah, you know, from Star Trek."

"I am well aware of who Spock is. Though, it is your choice of character that has me surprised. I have just found when comparing me to a character of that genre, normally, I am compared to Data, not Spock."

"Yeah, well I don't believe it. The emotionless... what's the word... facade." He waved his hand around as he found the word. "You care for us in your own unique way."

Logan's surprise only grew. Virgil shrugged, shoving his hand in his pocket.

"Look, I won't call you that if you don't want me to, but from what I have seen, you have a lot of emotions you just aren't ready to deal with. I get that. Emotions suck, but they can be useful." Virgil's bangs fell into his face as he led the way out of the room. "I don't know too much about the show, but Data probably wouldn't have helped like you did. So, I didn't mean anything bad by it." He was beginning to freak out again when Logan's voice broke through the noise in his head.

"Virgil, I don't mind." He closed the door behind him. Though data was his favorite, he had identified a lot more with Spock in recent years, especially after the break-up. He was just surprised that someone would actually equate him to the Vulcan who fought against his own emotions. "Patton has been teaching me how to cook, shall I make dinner?"

"Sure, and I'll teach you some slang. Your grammar is great, but slang is important in communication as well."

Logan nodded. He understood the argument that slang, being a new addition into their current culture's lexicon, was just as important to learn. He had never had much of an opportunity. 

"That seems agreeable."


"What is Gucci, thot."

Roman stood in the entryway, his mouth slightly agape as he looked at Logan. He had not expected to hear Logan's, almost monotone, voice call out that statement. For a few moments, they all stood in confused silence. It broke when Virgil began howling with laughter from the couch, unable to get control of himself.

"That was perfect, Lo." He somehow managed in between gasps for air.

"Do not listen to him!" Roman huffed, throwing his bag towards Virgil on the couch. "You should never use that word. It is crass."

"Which word, Gucci?"

"No, the other one."

"Virgil told me it meant a thoughtful person, and you would appreciate it," with that Virgil's laughter roared through the house again.

"I'm so sorry Lo. I lied, just a little bit, only for that one. I couldn't help myself. I couldn't wait to see Roman's face."

"Maybe it would be best I created flashcards. I find I am able to study much better that way."

"Welcome home princey."

"What did you do to him?"

Virgil couldn't help but let out another laugh as he leaned against the back of the couch. "I'm teaching him slang, and he is teaching me about the stars."

"And are you drunk?" Roman sounded beyond offended, and Virgil just shook his head.

"No," he hid his face behind the sleeve of his hoodie, "but, Logan and I have been hanging out. So, I'm in a good mood. I'm allowed to happy every once in a while."

"Alright," he drew the word out. "Well, if that is all, I would like to go into my room and drown my sorrows in Disney movies. Today was a hard day, culminating in my roommate calling me a thot." He shot Virgil a mildly angry glance.

"I'm sorry, come here Romanoff. We will watch movies together, just like the family Patton wants us to be." Where was Patton? He hadn't responded to Virgil's text. Logan had been a good distraction. Roman was home safe now as well. Patton was still missing. Suddenly Virgil felt his anxiety spiking once again.

"First off, Romanoff is from Anastasia, which is not a Disney movie, and I am offended. Secondly, are you sure you aren't drunk Evil step Virgil." His voice didn't hold his normal malice. He genuinely sounded teasing and playful. Roman made his way to the couch and flopped onto it, earning him a swift, but gentle, punch from Virgil "Where is Patton by the way? I figured he would be here since he had the day off."

"I don't know, I texted him but he hasn't responded." Virgil's shoulders tensed as he looked down at his phone. He put it under his leg, biting his lip as his leg began to bounce a bit. He was trying not to focus on it. It was probably fine. Patton was probably out with a friend. "Since you had such a bad day why don't you choose the movie?" He needed a distraction before this all started again.

"Really?" Roman's eyes lit up, "Well, I really wanted to rewatch Coco in Spanish... we can put on the subtitles if you two are okay with that?"

Virgil looked at Roman and his dashing smile. His eyes were pleading. Had he learned how to do that from Patton? "Fine, Fine." Virgil waved his hand back and forth. "I think it's weird, but if Logan is fine with it then I am as well. Wait you know Spanish?"

"Of course, it is the language of love." Roman flipped his hair and went to get the DVD.

While he was gone Virgil pulled out his phone again. No new messages. What was going on? Where was Patton?

AN: If there is anyone out there reading this, what do you want to see more of? Less of? This was written after Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts, so I do have intentions of bringing in Deceit, and Remy, still debating on Picani. As always let me know if there are any major errors and I'll try to fix them.

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