Chapter 7

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Despite staying up late, Patton woke up at about the same time he always did. He felt well rested and could tell today would be a good day. His dreams had been filled with his roommates, just the four of them sitting, bonding, and talking about life. It was a perfect picture of the peaceful family he had always wanted. Just having Logan care enough to ask about him last night, had meant a lot. Patton wanted to thank him. What was the best way to thank someone so logical and practical? A practical gift, maybe breakfast, though Patton didn't know what Logan's favorite food was. He always seemed to have a balanced breakfast, with the exception of the extra slice of toast. That was right, Logan had a love for the particular brand of jam. He could make pancakes with jam swirled in them, and if he made it with whole wheat flour then it would be healthier right?

A smile spread over Patton's lips and he quickly jumped up. The clock told him he still had a bit of time before Logan normally left for work. He would have to be quick but it would be worth it.

Humming he went to the kitchen only to see Logan's coffee cup in the drying rack. "He was up pretty late last night, did he still leave early?" Logan stuck to a very strict schedule, whether or not he had work. He closed himself off in his bedroom at 10:30pm and always got up at 7:00am. When Logan had work he would leave at 7:30am. It was 7:12. Logan should be sitting at the table, reading his book. Maybe his work needed him early today. Patton tapped the counter. Logan had also been up late for some reason. Had Logan slept in? That would be a surprise. Walking to the door across from the kitchen Patton knocked. He didn't even the slightest movement, Logan had to have left already. Patton could make a special dinner instead, thought they had had a special dinner last night for Roman. He stretched, feeling the excitement of a good dream wearing off and realizing he was still a bit tired and drained. Patton was disappointed that Logan wasn't here. He really had wanted to thank him first thing in the morning, but he wouldn't let that get him down. Patton had nothing planned today, which meant that it was full of possibilities.

He could call his mother today, see how she was doing, maybe he could even meet up with one of his old friends from college. Patton liked that idea, or even the idea of just going to help out at the animal shelter. It had been so long since he had done something just to make himself happy. He still wanted to make pancakes today.

Halfway through making Pancakes, Virgil came out of his room, Patton waved. "Want to come and eat with me Kiddo?"

"No, I need to hurry to work."

"You really shouldn't be skipping breakfast."

"I'll make sure I eat a big Lunch." He said as he waved. "Bye pop-tart." Virgil smiled and teased before closing the door.

"Hey I'm not tart, I'm super sweet!" He smiled as he watched Virgil leave. At least his dark strange son was in a much better mood, and he was so proud of that dad and breakfast themed nickname.

Setting himself a plate Patton sat down with his pancakes. He really had started to think of his roommates as a family, but he was worried that they might not feel the same. They had only been roommates for 10 weeks.

"Padre, do you not have work today?"

"No, I have a few days off." He smiled happily as Roman waltzed into the room.

"Wonderful! I don't work until later and I thought I should go congratulate my brother."

"That's great Roman!"

"Yes, though, I'm not really excited about seeing him but I figured you were right. I need to support him. If I want to be a hero, I can't act like a villain."

Patton smiled. "I'm really proud of you Kiddo."

"Patton these pancakes look delicious."

Roman smiled and sat down, eating breakfast with Patton and talking about their plans for the day. When Roman decided to leave, it left the house feeling empty. Patton sighed, there was no singing from Roman's room or the sound of computer keys from Logan's, but he had time to do some deep cleaning that he had been neglecting. Patton just had to busy himself. He hung up 'family' pictures,deep cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, and mopped the kitchen floor. It was beginning to feel like home. Happy with what he had accomplished, Patton sighed and sat on the couch. It was just past noon, and his mother would be up by now. Pulling out his phone, he called his mother. This had been a good day, he was so excited to tell her about it.

"Hi mamabear," He said happily, curling up on the couch. "Have you been taking care of yourself?"

"Of course I have my little Patton Cake," but her voice was heavy. She was forcing herself to sound happy. He could tell.

"Really, because it sounds like something is going on."

"Oh, baby, you always can see right through me. Mamabear is fine, she is just enjoying a little bit of depression." His mother didn't like to say she suffered from it because it made her feel broken somehow.

"Do you want me to come visit? You know I will do anything for you."

"No, it's okay snuggly bear, you have your own life now."

She was trying to be strong again. "I'll be over in less than an hour." He smiled weakly, already getting up and grabbing his keys.

"Well only if you are sure."

"I'm sure." He hung up the phone. It looked like he wasn't going to have time to go play with the dogs. That was okay, his mother was much more important. Getting his stuff together he left the house. At least he had a clean house to come home to. That would be nice. Patton kept a smile on his face. He needed to be strong for his mother.

AN: Sorry if things look weird, this is my first time posting on a mobile devise. Let me know if you find any major errors, I was still a bit sick while writing this. Let me know what you think!

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